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'Capitalism for Democrats' An Exceptional New Book for America’s Most Divisive Time in Politics
Martin Lowy - Author:  Capitalism for Democrats Martin Lowy - Author: Capitalism for Democrats
Tampa, FL
Tuesday, October 1, 2019

“Democrats and Republicans alike, growing apart in so many ways, need to read this book"

In the timely new book, Capitalism for Democrats, political centrist, attorney and entrepreneur Martin Lowy presents the moral relevance of capitalism and why it's crucial for Americans to embrace it. Many think this concise, well-written, easy-to-understand book could unite our country. Despite the fake news, fighting politicians, and personal agendas, Lowy's common-sense capitalism that embraces both necessary regulation and the supremacy of the consumer appeals to conservatives and liberals alike.

"It should be read not just by Democrats but by Americans of all parties." Sarah Bloom Raskin, Member, Federal Reserve Board, 2010-2014

"Capitalism and the Industrial Revolution have made ordinary people's lives better and better for over 200 years," says Lowy. "Though capitalism has many flaws, why would we want to get rid of it? Why not fix the flaws and embrace it? We need a better safety net for our people, for example, but that can be provided as part of capitalism."

Lowy's timely book uses everyday examples to explain why capitalism is important to our country, how it works, and we should improve it and keep it. He argues that, "it is both a moral and a pragmatic economic theory that empowers billions of individual decisions that we call 'the market' to allocate resources. But the market doesn't regulate itself. To make the market work in consumers' interests, the market must be supported by regulation to assure that consumers can make informed choices."

"Democrats and Republicans alike, growing apart in so many ways, need to read this book to begin bringing this nation back together. Lowy provides the intellectual framework to help make this happen."  Robert Litan, former VP, The Brookings Institution, and author of Trillion Dollar Economists

"It is moral because it relies on the people, consumers, to make the decisions that in the aggregate, determine what is made and what it costs through the mechanism of the market," says Lowy. "The alternative to capitalism is a system in which elites make decisions about what is available and what it costs."

"The book gave me a better understanding of economic theory than I got in four years of college – and I was an economics major." Richard B. Klein, Retired Judge, Pennsylvania Superior Court

Using devices like his "cornflakes example"—a simple explanation of capitalism – Lowy peels away the myths and clarifies the economic theory that has guided our country for 200 years. Drawing both on new research and on over 50 years of experience, Lowy tackles hard questions with easy-to-understand analysis. He takes on hard subjects like the defects in capitalism, how to improve education, "economic justice," how corporate boards work, and the laws that govern them. Some of it sounds esoteric at first, but Lowy describes it simply in crisp and conversational language. And he keeps it relevant at all times.

"This is a powerful and thought-provoking defense of an economic system that Lowy shows has brought healthy prosperity to the largest amount of people in history." John J. Kelly, Detroit Free Press

Lowy is no stranger to writing about economics. His multi-disciplinary book High Rollers was a New York Times Notable Book in 1991 and was cited by the U.S. Supreme Count as an authority on the subject of the savings and loan crisis. Debt Spiral and Instability also dealt with economics. His newest book draws on all that research, plus new material unique to the needs of a modern, common-sensical capitalism.

"Capitalism for Democrats is a succinct, yet broad scope, analysis and defense of our capitalist/free market/consumer-sovereign economic system under sensible regulatory restraints.  A thought-provoking and challenging overview as 2020 approaches." Bert Rein, Supreme Court Advocate and Founding Partner, Wiley Rein LLP

Capitalism for Democrats is a pertinent read for the times. Lowy leaves us with clear answers to the questions: What has capitalism accomplished and what should we expect it to accomplish in the future?

"All human institutions are imperfect," Lowy says, "It is only through persistent good will that we can succeed in charting the best course through a changing world." Read his exceptional book and learn how.

"A tour de force!" John F. Olson, Corporate Lawyer

"An intriguing and enjoyable read."  Robert F. Schilling, Clinical Psychologist

Capitalism for Democrats, ISBN 1694514722, $19.95 paperback, $3.99 Kindle. 2019, Public Policy Press, 130 pages, available on Amazon or the author's website: www.CapitalismForDemocrats.com

About Martin Lowy: Martin Lowy, a veteran banker, attorney and entrepreneur, is unabashedly pro-American. But he also believes that global trade is a win-win system for all nations, even though some Americans need help in order to cope with global competition, and that people who live elsewhere deserve our respect—and even assistance when warranted.

Lowy uses both his indefatigable research on new developments and his 50 years of experience investigating frauds, advising boards of directors, negotiating contracts and managing companies to bring his readers a unique blend that makes his writing relevant and timely, yet timeless.

His first book, High Rollers (a history of the savings and loan debacle), was a New York Times Notable Book of 1991 and was cited by the Supreme Court as an authority on the subject. Lowy's other books include Debt Spiral, (about the causes of the Great Recession and Great Financial Crisis), Instability (that describes how financial systems are naturally unstable), and The Education Solution (why we need better early education). All reflect Lowy's focus on the public interest, regardless of popular doctrines and myths.

During a long life, Martin Lowy has been lucky to spend time with a number of great Americans, including Martin Luther King, Jr., John F. Kennedy, William O. Douglas, Robert Frost, and Henry Steele Commager. Dr. King made the biggest impression. When he received an honorary degree from Yale in 1964, Lowy was assigned to greet him and show him the campus. Lowy spent a priceless hour alone with Dr. King.

As Lowy points out in Capitalism for Democrats, luck plays a large role in people's lives. He has been blessed with excellent and loving parents, an exceptional brother, and wonderful children, none of which he got to choose himself.

A native New Yorker, today Lowy lives in Florida with Louise, his wife of 42 years, whom he did choose. They have two grown children and three grandchildren. When he's not working, Lowy loves to cook, and he still plays golf three times a week. Visit Lowy's website at CapitalismForDemocrats.com


Media Contact: For a review copy of Capitalism for Democrats or to arrange an interview with Martin Lowy, contact Scott Lorenz of Westwind Communications Book Marketing at scottlorenz@westwindcos.com or by phone at 734-667-2090. Follow Lorenz on twitter @abookpublicist

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Title: Book Publicist
Group: Westwind Book Marketing
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