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Caregiver Stories During COVID
Charles Page MD -- Texas-based Surgeon, Author, Storyteller Charles Page MD -- Texas-based Surgeon, Author, Storyteller
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Nacogdoches, TX
Sunday, September 19, 2021


Hear what this lady’s inspirational story of how she encouraged her husband in a nursing home.


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Video details: Here’s today’s, spoonful of courage. I want to remind you of a passage in second Corinthians: chapter 4, verses 16 through 17. It says this: “So we do not lose heart, though our outer nature is wasting away. Our inner nature is being renewed every day for this slight momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, because we look not to the things that are seen, but to the things that are unseen for the things that are seen are Transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.” I want to tell you a covid caregiver story. I had a older couple come in several months ag. The man needed a feeding tube change. He had been in the nursing home and, as you know, those of you who have been going through, covid know that most nursing homes are closed. Families are not able to go into the nursing home. His wife conveyed to me her story. I asked her how things were going. She says, “Me and my husband have been married for 60 years. We’ve, been together every day, almost for these 60 years. I was devastated because I couldn’t go visit my husband. He has dementia and I give a lot of his care in the nursing home. I was overwhelmed by the COVID crisis.” She began to tell me how she responded to this Crisis. You know what this lady did? Every day she went outside the nursing home with a lawn chair. She got an umbrella to protect her from the rain and from the Texas heat. She would sit out there for hours every day outside of the window looking at her husband through the glass. Her daughter had fixed up an app with her computer and put a speaker so that she could communicate with her husband. She would sit there all day and reassure her husband and keep him calm. That really puts love and faithfulness on a whole different level. If you’re a caregiver, I want to remind you that these are just momentary, light afflictions. You know now we see through a clouded glass. You know there’s coming a day that we’re, going to see in full. We’re going to see God’s love. I want to encourage you to keep going. I want you to be encouraged and motivated by the love and the faithfulness of this lady. She was able to see something by faith that was unseen. I’m, Dr Page. The best guy to see on the worst day of your life. You can find more about this podcast and these videos in the descriptions below. Join us. Have a great day. Caregivers courage,Caregiver’s courage during COVID,pancreatic cancer caregiver stories,caregiver stories and thoughts,thanks to her mother,changing careers over 50,caregiver,caregivers,caregiver stories,covid and caregivers,caregiver a love story,caregiver burnout,caregiver emotions,caregiver exhaustion,caregiver experience,caregiver interview,caregiver relationship,caregiver responsibilities,caregiver roles and responsibilities,caregiver walkie talkie

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Name: Jerry McGlothlin
Group: Special Guests
Dateline: Hickory, NC United States
Direct Phone: 919-437-0001
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