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Celebrate the Birth of Fleming....Ian Fleming
Audri G. Lanford_ Ph.D. -- Going Paperless -- Productivity Expert Audri G. Lanford_ Ph.D. -- Going Paperless -- Productivity Expert
Boone, NC
Sunday, May 17, 2009

Ian Fleming is the brilliant author who introduced us to the legend that is James Bond. No matter the actor who has played the role in the movies, Fleming created one of the world's most charismatic and quick-witted characters. What more fitting way to celebrate his birthday than with some favorite James Bond quotes.

1. "That's a Smith and Wesson, Mr. Dent. And you just had your six"

2. "Moneypennny, let me tell you the secret of the world"

3. "World domination. The same old dream. Our asylums are full of people who think they're Napoleon. Or God"

4. "Just a drink, a Martini, shaken not stirred"

5. "No, some men just don't like being taken for a ride"

6. "Do you mind if my friend sits this one out...she's just dead!"

7. "This never happened to the other fellow!"

8. "Thank you very much. I was just out walking my rat and I seem to have lost my way"

9. "That's pretty potent. Not the cork. Your after-shave. Strong enough to bury anything. But the wine is quite excellent. Although for such a grand meal, I would have expected a claret"

10. "That's a nice little nothing you're almost wearing!"

11. "Well, ...hardest substance found in Nature, they cut glass, suggest marriage, I suppose it replaced the dog as a girl's best friend and that's about it"

12. "Good morning, gentlemen. ACME pollution inspection. We're cleaning up the world, we thought this was a suitable starting point"

13. "I've never killed a midget before, but there can always be a first time"

14. "Q, I'll need a new suit. Someone stuck a knife through my coat"

15. (At the party in the ice palace of Gustav Graves) Vodka martini. Plenty of ice, if you can spare it"

16. "It's just that not so long ago, I would have described your feelings towards me as ... I'm trying to think of a better word than 'loathing.'"

17. "Can I offer an opinion? I really think you people should find a better place to meet"

18. "Congratulations on your promotion, Goldfinger. Are you having dinner at the White House, too?"

19. "I'd say he has an edifice complex"

20. "By the way, Melina, we haven't been properly introduced, my name is Bond...James Bond"

There you have it... Ian Fleming?s creation of James Bond has given birth to generations of fans. It?s quite amazing that a character from a book published in the 1950?s still has the charm to keep women blushing and men jealous in theaters nearly 60 years later! So happy birthday Mr. Fleming, we love our James Bond quotes.

For more quotes related to movies, check out the popular movie quotes section of Famous-Quotes-And-Quotations.com, a website that specializes in 'Top 10' lists of quotations in dozens of categories.

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