Home > NewsRelease > Censored for promoting peace
Censored for promoting peace
Thomas H. Greco, Jr. -- Economist Thomas H. Greco, Jr. -- Economist
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Tucson, AZ
Wednesday, May 15, 2024


I don’t normally endorse political candidates, but given the dismal state of American politics, I think it is important to support anyone who is the least bit independent, especially anyone who is being censored because they don’t prate the mainstream narrative. I’ve long been aware of Kucinich’s career and track record, and I think he is one of the few honest politicians on the scene today. I believe he means what he says.


News Media Interview Contact
Name: Thomas H. Greco, Jr.
Title: Consultant
Dateline: Tucson, AZ United States
Cell Phone: 520-820-0575
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