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Certain words and phrases block connections cold and at the same time can make people steaming mad
Arnold Sanow -- The Business Source Arnold Sanow -- The Business Source
Vienna, VA
Monday, April 4, 2011

Arnold Sanow

Certain words and phrases block connections cold and at the same time can make people steaming mad

Here are some tips on language, words and phrases to avoid:

You - If you tell someone "You did this" or "You did that" people get defensive. This is especially true if you use a harsh tone.

Generalizations - Words such as "You Always" or "You Never" also get people defensive.

Labels - When you say someone is lazy, has a bad attitude, is careless, unprofessional or stupid it really doesn't say anything. If you use labels make sure you say specifically what they mean. For example, if you say someone has a bad attitude - you might be more specific and say, "you seem to be late for our meetings"

Moralize - Be very careful making statements on how things should be done and what is right and proper. These can trigger negative reactions in others.

Use Sarcasm - Although you think you may appear "witty" by being sarcastic, many people may not understand what you are saying and they will get the wrong impression.

Make Threats - Threats will only turn people against you.

Jargon - For example if you say something like, "Let me tell you about the XR1432" - 10 minutes later people are still thinking what is the XR1432?

Euphemisms - Euphemisms are a nice way of saying something. For example, in a war if the word "collateral damage" is used it means that people are getting killed or if a politician says we are going to have "revenue enhancement", this means that taxes are being raised. Euphemisms weaken the image and confuse people about what you are really saying. And then once they find out what you are saying they get upset.

Slang and Profanity - Many people feel uncomfortable with profanity and it lowers the estimation of you in their eyes.

Red Flag words - These are words that irritate people and they will tune you out once they hear them. For example some common words that offend some people include; girl, honey, dear, darling, babe, and many more.

Vague or Abstract language - Make sure you are specific when you tell people what you will do. Instead of saying as soon as possible or next week, say I will have it on Tuesday.

Overly Complex Words - I would recommend that you keep your language to an 8th grade level. It's nice to show everyone how smart we are, however, they might not understand the message we are trying to get across. Therefore, use simple and strait forward language.

Say NO in a Nice Way - Many people are afraid to say NO because they fear how it will come out and be perceived by others. If said the wrong way, it can make people upset and uncomfortable. To make sure you say NO in a NICE way so that you don't alienate others and derail relationships try the USA method

The U - is Understand

The S - is Situation

The A - is Action/Alternative

Therefore, if someone is interrupting you at work, instead of saying in a harsh tone, I'm busy!!, you might say something like, I understand you want to talk with me - by saying this you are acknowledging them --- next I would say, "however the situation is this, I've got this report that's due out at 4:15 today" - by doing this you are giving the other person a reason - and finally I'd say (action) "let's do this, let's meet tomorrow at 3:00 or today at 5:00 - this way you are giving an alternative or action. By using the USA method you are keeping the relationship alive instead of pushing someone away from you.

Sex, Politics and Religion - Don't assume everyone shares your views. Tread lightly when discussing controversial topics.

Don't Take it Personally - Be aware that many people will use words and language that irritate and annoy you. They don't know any better. Whatever happens, don't take it personally. Once we start taking it personally we become abrasive, defensive, and argumentative. Also realize that people may be having a bad day. For example, if the clerk at the post office is a little grumpy, realize that they may have had a fight with their spouse or their mother or father is in the hospital. There are many things going on in people's lives and they may not be as content as you are.


If you want to enhance customer and workplace relationships by improving oral, interpersonal and organizational communication please contact Arnold Sanow to find out about his keynotes, seminars, training and coaching programs. Check out www.arnoldsanow.com - speaker@arnoldsanow.com - or call 703-255-3133


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Arnold Sanow, MBA, CSP (Certified Speaking Professional) works with his clients to assist them in improving, increasing and maximizing individual and organizational performance. He accomplishes this by delivering speeches, seminars, training, facilitation, coaching and consulting. His most popular presentations and programs include:

· Get Along with Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere ... Build Rapport,

Relationships and Connect --- Also titled, "Creating Enduring Connections

Build Rapport, Relationships and Connect"

. Working with Emotional Intelligence ... What it is and How to use it

. Deliver Every Presentation with Power, Punch and Pizzazz!

. Keeping Customers for Life ... Create a WOW Customer Experience

. Teams That Work ... Transform Individuals into Teams

. 7 Traits Top Leaders Share

Arnold has been the President of The Business Source, Inc. since 1985. He has delivered over 2,500 paid presentations to over 500 companies, organizations and associations worldwide. Recently he was named by Successful Meetings Magazine as one of the top 5 "best bang for the buck" speakers in the USA. In addition, he is the author/co-author of six books to include, "Get Along with Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime"; "Deliver Every Presentation with Power, Punch and Pizzazz"; "Marketing Boot Camp" and the "Charisma Card Deck" and is a frequent guest in the media to include, the CBS evening news, ABC World News, USA Today, Time Magazine, Wall Street Journal, etc. He can reached at 703-255-3133 or at www.arnoldsanow.com speaker@arnoldsanow.com


Customer Service Makeovers - We will review your current situation, mystery shop, interview key staff and customers, review systems and guidelines and look at all processes and procedures from the customers point of view. You will then get a report with specific actions to take to improve service and a follow up seminar to go over the findings and a comprehensive review of what is WOW service


Coaching - Arnold Sanow will work with you on a one to one basis to assist you in meeting and achieving your personal and professional goals and objectives. The coaching sessions concentrate on where you are today and what you need to do to get where you want to be. Group coaching also available. Call now at 703-255-3133 or e-mail at speaker@arnoldsanow.com


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Professional Facilitator to Review Strategies, Increase Sales, Boost Profits, Cut Costs, Improve Customer Service and Develop a Positive Working Environment. Arnold Sanow has facilitated numerous meetings and retreats to develop specific solutions to provide immediate answers to the challenges you face. Call Arnold at 703-255-3133 or speaker@arnoldsanow.com


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The Business Source, Inc, run by Arnold Sanow will work with you to design customized training programs to meet all of your companies or organizations needs. We will coordinate all training, handle all logistics and get the right instructor for each program. If you are looking for a "one stop" shop to save you time, money and the aggravation of having to find the right trainer for the right program call Arnold at 703-255-3133 or at speaker@arnoldsanow.com


Audio Insights. This monthly audio magazine comes to you on a CD with bite-sized messages focusing on specific tips, tools and solutions you can use to assist you in your personal and professional life. Yearly subscription is $297. Special rates for groups. Call Arnold Sanow 703-255-3133 or e-mail speaker@arnoldsanow.com


Start, Build and Grow Your Own Full or Part Time Speaking/Training Business-Arnold Sanow works one on one with his clients to help them start, build and grow a successful speaking, training and coaching practice. You'll save time, money and frustration with Arnold's step-by-step coaching and mentoring program See the web site www.speakingcoach.com or www.arnoldsanow.com -click on business opportunities or Call 703-255-3133


Independent Agents/Reps Wanted to Promote Arnold's services- Build your own business- Part/full time to promote Arnold Sanows' speaking, seminars, training and facilitation programs. Proven track record - Easy to sell and work with - Generous commissions, call 703-255-3133 or e-mail at speaker@arnoldsanow.com


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Arnold Sanow, MBA, CSP, is a speaker, seminar leader, facilitator and coach focusing on building stronger customer and workplace relationships. He has delivered over 2,500 paid presentations to more than 500 companies, associations and governmental agencies. He is the author/co-author of 5 books to include; "Get Along with Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere" and "Marketing Boot Camp". His topics focus on people skills, teambuilding, leadership, communication, getting along, persuasion, customer service, presentation skills and relationships sales. www.arnoldsanow.com - speaker@arnoldsanow.com - 703-255-3133 ---- Want to become a speaker/trainer? Contact www.speakingcoach.com or call 703-255-3133.Program descriptions and video at http://bureau.espeakers.com/simp/viewspeaker9980

Rated by Successful Meetings Magazine as one of the top 5 best "bang for the buck" speakers in the USA for 2009

Hear Arnold talk about Getting Along on ABC News at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2fOX0UjyJo and how to keep your attitude upbeat at FOX news


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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Arnold Sanow, MBA, CSP
Title: Speaker, Seminar Leader, Facilitator
Group: The Business Source
Dateline: Vienna, VA United States
Direct Phone: 703-255-3133
Cell Phone: 703-869-1881
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