Comedian, comedy writer & keynote speaker Jan McInnis tried an experiment using the chatgpt AI software by challenging it to write an article using the words "using humor in business."
"The article chatgpt spit out was amazingly accurate AND chatgpt did it in seconds," said McInnis. McInnis mentions that these tips are ones that she, herself, has written in the past, so she wondered if chatgpt was pulling the information from her website or articles she has written that are posted on the intenet.
To use chatgpt, just go to the website, sign up for an account, and then put in the words that you want an article written about. McInnis used the free version, but there are also paid versions as well.
The article below is word-for-word what chatgpt wrote when McInnis typed in the words "using humor in business."
CHATGPT Article:
Here are some tips for using humor in business:
Know your audience: Humor is subjective and what one person finds funny, another person may not. Before using humor, it's important to know your audience and understand what types of humor are appropriate.
Be genuine: Humor works best when it's natural and genuine. Don't force a joke or try to be someone you're not.
Keep it appropriate: Humor in a business setting should be clean, inoffensive, and respectful. Avoid making jokes that could be considered discriminatory or offensive.
Use humor to diffuse tension: Humor can be a great way to break the ice in tense situations or to lighten the mood during difficult conversations.
Don't overdo it: While humor can be a great tool in business, it's important not to overdo it. You don't want to come across as unprofessional or undermine your credibility.
Overall, using humor in business can be an effective way to build relationships, improve communication, and create a positive work environment. Just be sure to use it appropriately and in moderation.
Jan McInnis
Keynote Speaker, Comedian, and Master of Ceremonies
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