AUDUBON, PA – May 31, 2013 – Stan Brooks, 63 of Glenmoore, PA, is helping TeamChildren, an Audubon, PA-based nonprofit, in its efforts to ensure every child in the region has the tools and opportunities they need to contribute and compete effectively in today's digital global environment. He has been on the team for about a year.
"We are helping others that don't have… computers, smart phones, tablets," said Brooks. "Some people don't have anything."
Volunteers like Brooks collect, repair and distribute low-cost, high-quality computers programmed with incredible learning software to individuals, schools and other organizations that would otherwise have no access to such technology. Kids that only dreamed of owning a computer are now sitting down in the comfort of their homes learning to read, to do math, to study science and to develop the technology skills necessary to be effective in the 21st century.
"Everybody helps everybody here," said Brooks. "We're all on the same page."
Brooks retired from his 35-year audiology career at the Chester County Intermediate Unit in 2010. He attended Western Michigan University and has a degree in audiology.
TeamChildren is a small, nonprofit organization making a huge difference in educational future of children. It has collected, repaired and distributed more than 11,000 high quality, low cost computers reaching more than 50,000 children. Each of these computers is programmed with over $500,000 worth of donated learning software.
TeamChildren is currently raising $75,000 fund its summer teen development program. This will help expand its efforts to distribute 1,000 computers and to hire a small group of teens to manage the effort this summer while learning how to run a nonprofit organization.
For more information, visit and contact Samantha Schwartz by email ( or phone (484-459-3154).