Home > NewsRelease > Chris Mercogliano’s Review of “Can This Be School”
Chris Mercogliano’s Review of “Can This Be School”
Jerry Mintz -- Alternative Education Resource Organization Jerry Mintz -- Alternative Education Resource Organization
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: New York, NY
Friday, January 20, 2023

Review of Deb O’Rourke’s Can This Be School? Fifty Years of Democracy at ALPHA by Chris Mercogliano Only the quiet children who had spent the morning playing passively were rewarded with gold stars, a five-year-old Deb O’Rourke astutely observed at the end of her very first day of kindergarten. And she wasn’t one of them. […]

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Name: Jerry Mintz
Title: Director
Group: AERO
Dateline: Roslyn Hts, NY United States
Direct Phone: 516 621 2195
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