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Chris Weatherman: Crafting a Dystopian World of Survival and Hope
Norm Goldman --  BookPleasures.com Norm Goldman -- BookPleasures.com
Montreal, QC
Saturday, October 28, 2023

Chris Weatherman: Crafting a Dystopian World of Survival and Hope

Chris Weatherman, known as Angery American, has made a name for himself in the world of survival and prepping, not only as a bestselling author but also as a practical expert with a unique perspective.

In my interview with Chris, we explore the origins of his captivating Survivalist Series™, his dedication to realism in post-apocalyptic scenarios, and his commitment to empowering individuals to become self-reliant in today's uncertain world.

The Birth of the Survivalist Series™

Chris's journey into the world of dystopian fiction was somewhat accidental. He initially wrote the first book in the Survivalist Series as a form of entertainment for himself on a survival forum. However, this was not the result of a random whim; it was the culmination of years of practical experience and prepper mindset. Growing up in Florida, where the constant threat of hurricanes made prepping a way of life, he found himself naturally drawn to this world. His work and the concepts for his books stemmed from a deep well of knowledge and preparedness that he had cultivated over the years.

Why the Survivalist Series™ Stands Out

The Survivalist Series™ has garnered a massive following, and one key reason is the authenticity it exudes. Chris doesn't just write about survival; he lives it. He has spent many nights in challenging conditions, honing his skills, and this real-world experience adds depth to his characters and their struggles. Readers are not only drawn to the post-apocalyptic scenarios but also to the characters themselves, often referring to them as friends. This emotional connection is a testament to Chris's ability to create relatable characters that readers can't help but care about.

Balancing Realism and Narrative

One of the defining qualities of Chris's novels is their realism. He believes that a compelling story naturally balances action, character development, and world-building. He doesn't force these elements; instead, he follows his characters around in his head and writes down what they're doing. The characters, with their strengths and flaws, guide the narrative, making it relatable to readers. Chris believes that most readers want to see themselves in the characters, warts and all, and this makes for a more engaging and authentic reading experience.

The Power of Real-Life Experience

Chris's background in the power industry, where he worked for almost two decades, significantly influences the authenticity of his post-apocalyptic world-building. His experience gave him a unique perspective on the entire process, from the coal mines to power plants to the light bulb at the end of the line. This practical understanding of the infrastructure and systems that underpin our modern world informs the challenges his characters face when society collapses. It's this attention to detail that sets his books apart and makes them resonate with readers.

Exploring Home: A Glimpse into Hope

In his latest installment, "Exploring Home," Chris takes readers into a world where the restoration phase after catastrophe begins. The challenges grow, and the characters must rise to the occasion, whether they want to or not. What Chris hopes readers take away from this novel is a sense of hope. He wants them to believe that as long as they're breathing, there's hope. He also emphasizes the idea that no one is coming to save you, a message that's relevant both in the fictional world of the books and in our unpredictable reality.

The Angery American Nation Podcast

Beyond his writing, Chris expanded his reach by launching the Angery American Nation Podcast. This platform allows him to discuss contemporary issues affecting America, from politics and social matters to survival and self-reliance. By challenging conventional wisdom and encouraging listeners to question the status quo, the podcast aims to foster a more informed and engaged citizenry. Chris's belief in knowledge as a powerful survival tool extends to his podcast, where he shares valuable insights and alternative perspectives.

Words of Wisdom for Aspiring Writers

In our conversation's closing remarks, Chris offers valuable advice to aspiring writers. He emphasizes the importance of simply sitting down and writing, without worrying about structure or grammar. "Pull the cork from the damn and let it start to trickle out," he suggests. The flow of creativity will come naturally if you're passionate about your story. Chris also quotes Hemingway's timeless advice: "Write drunk, edit sober," reminding writers that sometimes, it's necessary to let creativity flow without inhibition.

Chris Weatherman, the Angery American, has not only created a captivating post-apocalyptic world in his Survivalist Series™ but also provided readers with a source of hope and inspiration in an ever-changing and uncertain world. His authenticity, realism, and practical expertise shine through in his books, making them a must-read for those interested in survival, preparedness, and dystopian fiction. As an author, podcast host, and advocate for self-reliance, Chris Weatherman's contributions to the prepper community are both compelling and indispensable.

To Read Norm's Complete Interview on Bookpleasures.com  CLICK HERE




 Norm Goldman of Bookpleasures.com

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Name: Norm Goldman
Title: Book Reviewer
Group: bookpleasures.com
Dateline: Montreal, QC Canada
Direct Phone: 514-486-8018
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