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Christians must prepare to live counterculturally by applying traditional values, according to new book
Carol M. Swain  -- Political Scientist, Author, and Commentator Carol M. Swain -- Political Scientist, Author, and Commentator
Nashville, TN
Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Countercultural Living: What Jesus Has to Say About Life, Marriage, Race, Gender, and Materialism, now available

Carol M. Swain explores how Christian beliefs have become a counterculture to secularized Western cultural norms

In her 134-page book, Countercultural Living: What Jesus Has to Say about Life, Marriage, Race, Gender, and Materialism, Carol M. Swain tackles five hot topics which increasingly set disciples of Jesus at odds with a secularized Western culture. She carves a path that steers clear of both pugnacious culture warring and retreating into a privatized faith. The way forward, she models, is for Christians to live boldly yet humbly as countercultural followers of Jesus' teachings. 

Everyone is being discipled by someone. If Christians continue to be discipled by a secular culture in the issues of life, marriage, race, gender, and materialism, they will lose the countercultural influence that historically led them to challenge cultural wrongs such as gladiatorial games and infanticide. "In the coming days," Swain explains, "if we are to survive as Christ followers and if we are to engage in the kind of kingdom living that supports our being salt and light to a lost and dying world—we must know what we believe and why." 

Humility is a distinctive feature of this accessible book. Swain shares her own experiences participating on the other side of some of these cultural debates, yet humility doesn't dampen her boldness. When she became a Christian, the award-winning political scientist found herself chasing answers and championing truth more robustly than ever, having found a faith that gave her not just forgiveness and hope, but purposefulness. 

"More than anyone else, Carol Swain is uniquely qualified to speak on these topics from both science and experience," explains Dr. Mary Poplin, Professor in the School of Educational Studies at Claremont Graduate University. "Being a black scholar who began life in one of the direst of impoverished conditions and who as a mature adult obtained advanced degrees, professorships, and awards at highly respected universities, she tells it like it was, like it is, and like it can be." 

Not everyone will feel warmth toward the biblical stances she takes. People on the increasingly radical political left will take issue with many of her conclusions. Examples include Swain's conviction that every human bears the image of God regardless of ethnicity and that sexuality is best understood by consulting the biblical blueprint. 

Yet, for every angry critic, there is somebody who appreciates the courageous stance she takes. Founder of The Abortion Survivors Network Melissa Ohden writes, "As the survivor of a failed abortion, my very existence is countercultural to the predominant cultural narrative of abortion as a choice and a woman's right. I deeply appreciate Dr. Carol Swain's focus on the issue of life in this book." 

Buy Countercultural Living on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1949921832



Carol Swain (Ph.D.) is an award-winning political scientist and former tenured professor at Princeton and Vanderbilt Universities. She is the author or editor of 10 books, including Be The People: A Call to Reclaim America’s Faith and Promise and The New White Nationalism in America: Its Challenge to Integration.

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