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Climate Change -Start of another Ice Age?
Andy Lopez  - Organic Gardening Expert Andy Lopez - Organic Gardening Expert
Malibu, CA
Saturday, December 6, 2014


And now for something completely different:

I have been getting this question a lot so here it is. the Q and the A

Why do you say that this current global warming will lead to another Ice Age?


The last ice age was called the Little Ice Age and lasted for 500 years. Think Washington crossing the Delaware with ice bergs! Or think Napoléon Bonaparte and the harsh winters he and his armies had or the English war where their armies were almost destroyed by the worst winter they had ever had.

What brought this about?

The cutting down of trees in Europe caused a global warming called Medieval Warming period. The Medieval Warm Period (MWP), Medieval Climate Optimum, or Medieval Climatic Anomaly was a time of very warm climate lasting from about AD 950 to 1250. It was followed by a cooler period termed the Little Ice Age for about another 300 to 500 years or from AD 1500 to about AD 1800. Global Warming is always followed by Global Cooling. Why you ask and how does that affect us now?

Ok here we go…

First off, if you think that just cutting down most of Europe's forest could cause a 300 plus ice age without having cars and other pollutants, then imagine what we are doing now. Secondly we need to think at least 7 generations down the road and how what we do affects them.

Here is the mechanics of warm followed by cold.

What causees the climate changes? What causes Winter, Spring , Summer and Fall?  Motion of earth in relation to the sun, etc has a lot to do with it.

It warms and cools the earth's oceans. This is normal.  We have always had warm periods followed by cold periods.

Here is why

Salt water (ocean) sinks when cold and rises when hot. However Fresh water (ice bergs, glaziers etc) does not.

We owe our climates to the Gulf Stream which relies on what salt water does to cause the stream or current to circulate. It is this circulation that cause the changes in our weather. Damage the Gulf Stream in any way and our weather changes to produce a continuous cold.

 How is the Gulf Stream damaged? As it gets warmer, it starts to melt the Glaciers which are fresh water. As more and more fresh water gets melted into the ocean, the fresh water stops the Gulf Stream circulation. Bingo Ice Age!

The length of the Ice Age is determine by the amount of fresh water dumped into the ocean and how long it takes to get the salt levels back up to normal.

We are cutting down more and more trees then ever before. The world was basically covered with enough trees that they absorbed any carbon dioxide and returned oxygen. Where is the forest America had once, where is the forest in other countries? And now we are adding cars, planes things that increase the carbon and other gases with not enough trees to absorb it. The ocean absorbs it and it gets warmer but it doesn't help because fresh water isn't affected that way, and sea life cannot handle the warm fresh water either. Add Plastics and other toxins and we have a great soup that affects us all.

Right now, if all humans were to leave the planet, it would take the earth hundreds if not thousands of years to recover.

We are not that far away from an Ice Age (big time), each winter it will get colder and colder as there is more water in the air and around from the heat. Eventually the cold winter will last all year(s).

While you and I and maybe our children may not see this Ice Age, it will effect the whole world in years to come in  the amount of damage (i.e. length of the Ice Age) but also wether humans will survive it.


Love and Peace

The Traveler

Andy Lopez

Invisible Gardener

Any questions? Email me andy@invisiblegardener.com 

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