Thursday, December 26, 2024
Those unfinished tasks, unresolved conversations, and pending decisions – they’re all “open loops” quietly draining your energy and focus. As the year comes to a close, these loops can feel especially heavy.
But what if you could close these loops and create space for what’s next?
In this final episode of 2024, Gayle Lantz shares practical insights on identifying and closing the open loops that may be holding you back. She explores why some loops feel so difficult to close and offers a fresh perspective on dealing with those that can’t be immediately resolved.
Leaders often carry numerous open loops – from strategic decisions to challenging conversations they’ve been postponing. Understanding how to manage these loops effectively can be the key to starting fresh with renewed energy and clarity.
The ability to close loops isn’t just about checking items off a list – it’s about creating mental and emotional space for new opportunities and growth.
Sometimes the most powerful way to close a loop is simply deciding to release it.
This episode covers:
- How to identify open loops in your work and life
- The difference between loops you can close versus those you need to release
- Practical strategies for closing loops effectively
- Using mantras and guiding thoughts to move forward
- The role of gratitude in creating closure
- Simple ways to symbolize fresh starts
- How closing loops can fuel your leadership momentum

Previous CEO on the Go Episodes:
Finding Your New Leadership Edge – Stepping Boldly into the Unknown
What’s in Your Way? Clear Your Path