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CoffeyBuzz Revolutionizes Online Shopping
Lissa Coffey -- Lifestyle and Relationship Expert Lissa Coffey -- Lifestyle and Relationship Expert
Westlake Village, CA
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Lissa Coffey, host
Video Clip: Click to Watch

Tuesday May 3 marks the debut of an innovative new web series that changes the way people shop online.  CoffeyBuzz is an entertaining and informative weekly lifestyle video-zine that presents a fresh look at what's new in lifestyle, fashion, health and popular culture. What makes us different is that the viewer, using the groundbreaking Hyperspots™ technology, can push a shopping cart through the video and interact with goods and services AS THEY APPEAR ON SCREEN. With Hyperspots™, viewers simply click on an item in the show and they are immediately provided with a direct link to either make a purchase, or learn more about the subject matter.


CoffeyBuzz is hosted by lifestyle and relationship guru Lissa Coffey.  Coffey is a bestselling author and a frequent contributor to several talk shows. Emmy Award winning actor Charles Shaughnessy (Days of Our Lives, The Nanny) and his brother, Emmy Award winning producer David Shaughnessy (The Young and the Restless) produce the show along with Coffey.


To celebrate the launch of CoffeyBuzz, Bus Stop 31 Productions is hosting a virtual press party on Tuesday, May 3, at 12:00 noon PST (3:00 pm EST).  Members of the press are invited to visit http://www.coffeybuzz.com/presslaunch to meet the CoffeyBuzz team, and hear more about what is planned for the upcoming season.


Fans have already "caught the Buzz" as the show is promoted through social media. 


For more information visit: http://www.CoffeyBuzz.com  An informational video showing how the technology works is right on the home page.  The first episode in the series will be posted May 3.


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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Lissa Coffey
Title: President
Group: Bright Ideas Productions
Dateline: Westlake Village, CA United States
Direct Phone: 818-707-7127
Cell Phone: 818-370-9025
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