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Collective Consciousness Just Got A Boost
Nancy Boyd --  Bright Wings Inc. Nancy Boyd -- Bright Wings Inc.
Briarcliff Manor, NY
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Collective Consciousness ~ We Heal Our "Stuff" Together
Bright Wings. Inc is now accepting new members for their pilot program in healing collective consciousness through individual evolutionary change in small groups.  The Collective Consciousness Healing Groups hold a core philosophy that as individuals shift their consciousness around troubling problems and issues, all humans benefit through the bioresonant field, making new approaches available to all.

"The idea is that when we each take responsibility to make the mental and emotional shifts around the key issues that are presenting in our lives, then we are the ones who can model how it's done.  The more of us who know how to handle our 'stuff' the easier it will be for all of us to do," said Nancy Boyd, founder of Bright Wings Inc. and leader of the program.

Individuals who join the program are placed into small groups (maximum size of 12 each) and complete a short questionnaire monthly about what the top three issues or problems they are working on currently, and how they would like to experience those problems or issues instead.   Once all members of the group have shared, they then vote on what the common themes are that all members are working on; invariably a common theme DOES emerge for each group. Once the theme for the month has been selected, a custom flower essence blend is created that helps group members process the shifts they need to make to resolve that issue.

"We've been running these groups now for several months and seeing incredible results.  People are making breakthroughs even for issues of long-standing duration," said Boyd.  "It's working beautifully, as we thought it would."

To obtain a custom blended flower essence formula would currently cost $150.00 for a each consultation and further costs for refills, but group membership is only $50.00 a month, which makes it affordable for most people.  "People who are already doing self growth and personal development work will find themselves right at home here, and in good company with others of like spirit," said Boyd.  

New groups form at the beginning of each month, but there will be a limit to how many groups can run concurrently because of time commitments.  Some groups are "virtual" and done through private social media or email, for those unable to coordinate schedules for phone conversations.


Bright Wings, Inc. is an empowerment resource company located in Briarcliff Manor, NY.   For more information about products and services, click here.
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Name: Nancy
Group: Bright Wings, Inc.
Dateline: Eugene, OR United States
Direct Phone: 800-914-2975
Main Phone: 800-914-2975
Cell Phone: 5413578375
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