Monday, March 28, 2011
Crazy K Farm Encourages Pet Owners to "Think Pink," Gives Back to Community
Hempstead, TX – Pets undoubtedly hold an honorary position in many families across the country, and their owners go to great lengths just to make their tails wag. Special foods, toys and treats are bought in record numbers. Over the past several years, pet product companies have worked overtime to ensure that Fido, Fluffy and Polly are also the best dressed on the block. Crazy K Farm Pet and Poultry Products, LLC is adding to the growing selection, but it comes with a twist. The company is offering pink products in its Kitty Holster® and Hen Saver® lines, and donating a percentage of their sales to breast cancer research.
"With the success of my mom-owned business comes the responsibility of giving back to the community, specifically to moms and other women," Crazy K Farm owner Tobi Kosanke said. "To that end, Crazy K Farm is introducing pink-colored varieties of our products. I can't think of a better way to support women as a whole than to join the fight against breast cancer."
Kosanke is no stranger to giving back to the community. She owns a working farm in Texas with 200 animals – nearly all of them rescues – and the former oil patch geologist, who once developed pet products as a hobby, found herself in business last year when she was faced with needing the funds to feed and care for them.
"Over the years my main hobby had been creating products to improve the quality of my animals' lives," Kosanke said. "When covering their feed and medical bills while staying home to care for my special needs daughter became impossible, I was inspired to form Crazy K Farm Pet and Poultry Products, LLC to manufacture and market my unique, patent-pending inventions."
Crazy K Farm has quickly grown from its humble origins as a manufacturer of pre-paid, made-to-order items sold solely via Kosanke's personal eBay account, to her products being manufactured by the tens of thousands and sold in stores across the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. Crazy K Farm was also a 2009 StartupNation Home-Based 100 Competition double award-winning company.
"The company's growth and success has been tremendous," Kosanke said, "and I am thrilled to be able to donate 10% of the sales from our new pink products to organizations that help save lives."
About Crazy K Farm
Crazy K Farm® is located in Hempstead, Texas approximately 45 miles northwest of Houston. Chickens, ducks, geese, guinea fowl, goats and sheep are raised on the 35-acre working farm. The majority of the animals are rescues. Crazy K Farm® manufactures quality pet and poultry products including the patents-pending Hen Saver® hen apron, Avian Haven® hut for caged birds and Kitty Holster® cat harness. The company is a member of the Houston Better Business Bureau, and is in the process of becoming a woman-owned business through the Small Business Administration.