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Company adds new pet product to already successful line-up
Tobi Kosanke -- Crazy K Farm Pet and Poultry Products_ LLC Tobi Kosanke -- Crazy K Farm Pet and Poultry Products_ LLC
Hempstead, TX
Saturday, April 2, 2011

Crazy K Farm Offers Kitty Holster Cat Harness in a Serval Version

Hempstead, TX – Crazy K Farm Pet and Poultry Products LLC has come up with a "purr-fect" new way to take your favorite feline on the go this holiday season. The Texas-based company is adding a Serval version to its best-selling Kitty Holster® cat harness line-up.

Kitty Holsters http://www.kittyholster.com) are ultra lightweight cat harnesses made of soft, comfortable, 100% washable cotton. They are designed for owners to safely take their kitties for a walk, out on the town, to veterinary appointments, even RVing.

Due to customer demand, Kitty Holsters have also been designed to include a Serval version. Servals are large wild cats that have historically been worshipped and kept as pets in Africa. More recently, servals were brought to North America and Europe as domesticated cats. Servals are very strong and known as great "escape artists." They can weigh in excess of 30 pounds, and leap as high as 20 feet.

Kitty Holster's serval harness is made to withstand the strength and agility of these cats. They are triple-reinforced and have a long wrap-around girth to provide a snug fit. The Serval harness is $44.95, shipping and handling is included. All harnesses are made to order in the USA. Customers rave at their quality.

All Kitty Holster products were invented by Crazy K Farm owner Tobi Kosanke. She has turned her hobby and years of making useful products for her own pets into a multiple award winning pet products business.

"For nearly 20 years, my main hobby has been creating products to improve my own animals' quality of life," Kosanke said. "I custom designed a Kitty Holster for a 30-pound Serval named Tyra. The design was so successful, and her owner was so happy with it, that I decide other Serval owners could greatly benefit from this product. Since its introduction, we've had folks with strong, agile house cats order the harness as well."

For more information or to schedule an interview with Kosanke, please call (717) 676-8327, or send an email to getnoticed@thewriteplacepr.com.


About Crazy K Farm

Crazy K Farm® http://www.crazykfarm.com) is located in Hempstead, Texas approximately 45 miles northwest of Houston. Chickens, ducks, geese, guinea fowl, goats and sheep are raised on the 35-acre working farm. The majority of the animals are rescues. Crazy K Farm® manufactures quality pet and poultry products including the patents-pending Hen Saver® hen apron, Avian Haven® hut for caged birds and Kitty Holster® cat harness. The company has quickly grown from its humble origins as a manufacturer of pre-paid, made-to-order items sold solely via a personal eBay account, to products being manufactured by the tens of thousands and sold in stores across the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. Crazy K Farm, which is a three-time StartupNation business competition winning company, is also a member of the Houston Better Business Bureau.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Tobi Kosanke, Ph.D.
Title: President
Group: Crazy K Farm Pet and Poultry Products
Dateline: Hempstead, TX United States
Direct Phone: 800-980-4165
Cell Phone: 281-380-4450
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