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Company marks major milestone, receives first patent
Tobi Kosanke -- Crazy K Farm Pet and Poultry Products_ LLC Tobi Kosanke -- Crazy K Farm Pet and Poultry Products_ LLC
Hempstead, TX
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

U.S. Trademark and Patent Office Grants Crazy K Farm a Patent for its Hen Saver

Hempstead, TX – Years of research and development is now officially protected by the U.S. Trademark and Patent Office. Texas-based Crazy K Farm Pet and Poultry Products, LLC has been granted a patent for its protective hen apron called the Hen Saver®.

The Hen Saver http://www.hensaver.com) is a triple-layer hen apron that is designed to protect hens' backs from roosters during mating. With optional patent-pending 'predator eyes' they can also be used to protect an entire flock from barnyard predators that attack from the sky. Hen aprons have been around for decades, but the Hen Saver is revolutionary in that it protects the chickens "shoulders" as well as their backs.

"I am very pleased that the U.S. patent office is granting Hen Saver a patent," Crazy K Farm owner Tobi Kosanke said. "We spent years researching and developing this product, testing it on "our girls" in the field in order to determine the design that best protects chickens. I believe that we have the best product on the market, and this patent will insure that other companies cannot legally make additions to their simple designs that would provide the highly successful benefits of the Hen Saver."

Obtaining a patent is not an easy or simple process. According to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, more than 300,000 U.S. patent applications are filed each year by people and companies all over the world. Roughly one in three is granted to people who (claim to) "invent or discover any new and useful process, machine, manufacture, or composition of matter, or any new and useful improvement thereof." The process typically takes up to two years. Kosanke filed her application in January 2009. The Hen Saver is the first of her five inventions to receive a patent.

"Having a patent is important because pet product design is very competitive. I have filed for a patent on all of my inventions to protect my position in the marketplace," Kosanke said.

Roughly 170,000 patents are issued each year in the United States. Texas is one of three national leaders. For the past decade, the Lone Star State has been granted the second most patents in the country. California ranks number one, New York ranks number three. Following any approval, enforcement is the key.

"Once a patent is granted, it is very important to also purchase a patent protection insurance policy, as we have, so that an inventor or company can afford to enforce their patent," Kosanke said.

While Kosanke awaits patent approval for three more inventions; the Avian Haven® hut for caged birds, Kitty Holster® cat harness and Hen Holster chicken diaper/harness, she has another Hen Saver-related patent-pending product in the works.

"I love to invent products that improve the quality of pets' and pet owners' lives," Kosanke said. "I have a new product that will be on the market soon called the Hen Holster, which is a chicken diaper that also functions as a harness. We also offer Hen Savers that are hand-designed with predator eyes."

Predator eyes are patches designed to keep hawks from attacking chickens in the first place. The large red and yellow eyes are sewn onto the protective hen aprons, effectively staring up at the sky from a chicken's back.

"Predator eyes have been in the testing phase for about a year now," Kosanke said. "So far, the results to date look very promising."


About Crazy K Farm

Crazy K Farm® http://www.crazykfarm.com) is located in Hempstead, Texas approximately 45 miles northwest of Houston. Chickens, ducks, geese, guinea fowl, goats and sheep are raised on the 35-acre working farm. The majority of the animals are rescues. Crazy K Farm® manufactures quality pet and poultry products including the patents-pending Hen Saver® hen apron, Avian Haven® hut for caged birds and Kitty Holster® cat harness. The company has quickly grown from its humble origins as a manufacturer of pre-paid, made-to-order items sold solely via a personal eBay account, to products being manufactured by the tens of thousands and sold in stores across the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. Crazy K Farm, which is a 2009 StartupNation Home-Based 100 Competition double award-winning company, is also a member of the Houston Better Business Bureau.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Tobi Kosanke, Ph.D.
Title: President
Group: Crazy K Farm Pet and Poultry Products
Dateline: Hempstead, TX United States
Direct Phone: 800-980-4165
Cell Phone: 281-380-4450
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