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Confronting Graduate School Fears, Finance First
ReadySetBOOM.com   America's No.1 Local Business Growth Accelerator ReadySetBOOM.com America's No.1 Local Business Growth Accelerator
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Contact: Courtney Curtis
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                                         Phone: (203) 216-7749

Confronting Graduate School Fears, Finance First

Stamford, CT – Convincing students to attend graduate school is becoming increasingly difficult, with stricter admissions standards and higher tuition contributing greatly to their reluctance to seek higher education. As a result, the number of students enrolled nationally in graduate schools is declining. Despite the intimidating price tag, students and their families can learn how to better handle their education financing futures with the help of expert advice.

"Whether students are financing their own education, or their Boomer parents are assisting them, it is imperative to learn all sides of finance before taking on this level of debt," says Baby Boomers Retirement Network Chairman, Richard Roll.
"If students continue to ignore the fine print, the best remedy is for parents to be well-informed. We're helping everyone become better versed on this challenge."

According to finance and education expert, Don Osborne, students go into six-figure debt to attend graduate school because of the perpetually increasing price tag of the education. The average debt burden on graduates ranges from $91,513 for Business School to $145,020 for Medical School.

In an attempt to inform students and their families about managing debt, Osborne helps identify reliable sources to consult with financial inquiries. By sharing his "Top Five" smart ways to pay for grad school, readers become privy to short and long-term savings plan guides, Government-issued tax credits, financial aid guides, and incentives to take advantage of.

As an expert contributor for the Baby Boomers Retirement Network (BBRN) Pantheon of Boomer Experts, Osborne reveals explicit ways to navigate the financial future ahead when it comes to the graduate school process.

BBRN Founder and Chairman Richard J. Roll is a nationally known consumer finance expert, Harvard MBA, and best-selling author (with Hugh Downs) in the field of retirement planning. As an acknowledged expert/thought leader on Baby Boomer retirement issues, and an energetic media guest, he has been interviewed by hundreds of the nation's leading media, such as CNBC, MSNBC, Money Magazine, WSJ and Forbes. Richard and his team of expert coaches provide inspiration, guidance, and trustworthy solutions for all the issues Baby Boomers are facing today, from finances to fitness to fulfillment, and everything in between. In his upcoming new book, The 7 Rules of Retirement, and through BBRN's Ultimate Retirement GPS Solution home-study course, he guides every Boomer to their own personalized Roadmap and Greatest Possible Scenario ("GPS") for the comfortable retirement they want and deserve.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Richard Roll
Title: Chairman
Group: Baby Boomers Retirement Network
Dateline: Southport, CT United States
Direct Phone: 203-253-7077
Main Phone: 203-253-7077
Cell Phone: 203-253-7077
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