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Construction Suicide Prevention Partnership
Frank King -- The Mental Health Comedian Frank King -- The Mental Health Comedian
Springfield, OR
Monday, August 28, 2023

Frank King Construction Suicide Prevention
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Suicide risk and mental health challenges are jobsite safety issues. A crisis in Oregon and across the nation Based on the most recent CDC data, workers in the construction industry face the second highest suicide rate of any industry in the U.S.—at over three times the national age-adjusted suicide rate. Experts attribute several factors to this disturbing trend, including the physical rigor of the job, financial instability caused by the work's often seasonal nature, and a male-dominated workplace that has traditionally emphasized dealing with problems alone rather than asking for help.

Our country now loses more construction workers to suicide than to jobsite injuries or accidents. In response, dozens of Oregon's industry leaders, from construction firms to organized labor and insurance companies, have come together to prevent suicide and promote mental health with the same innovation and tenacity that the industry has brought to improving workplace safety.

To Read more https://www.linesforlife.org/construction/

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Frank King
Group: The Mental Health Comedian, LLC
Dateline: Springfield, OR United States
Direct Phone: 858.405.5653
Main Phone: 8584055653
Cell Phone: 8584055653
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