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Consumer Power a Must Be Harnessed to Save Ocean Wildlife: Precious Resource Decimated with Predictable Consequences
Danny Quintana -- Oceans & Space Explorations, Environmentalism Danny Quintana -- Oceans & Space Explorations, Environmentalism
Salt Lake City, UT
Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Help Save the Oceans Thru Sustainable Seafood

Studying the ocean is a difficult job because the logistics of going underwater and finding fish or marine mammals is expensive and technologically near impossible. However, Danny Quintana, author of Space & Ocean Exploration: The Alternative to the Military-Industrial Complex and founder of the Global High Seas Marine Preserve, can surmise that fleets of massive cruise ship size fishing trawlers can strip down fishing stocks in very short order. In the 19th century a relatively small fleet of not very large whaling ships, the U.S. industry was located in Massachusetts, nearly made all whales extinct around the world. So the complete decimating of major fish stocks like tuna, sharks and whales in this day and is easily foreseeable.

Power now lies with information and consumers making a decision to not buy from unsustainable sources, which is goal of the GHSMP as it works with organizations like the Monterey Bay Aquarium promoting their incredible Seafood Watch App. Downloaded about 1.5 million times, the app provides highly useful local information for consumers in finding local markets, restaurants and wholesalers who sell only marine food from sustainable sources. Below is Danny Quintana's thoughts on Consumer power, their collective ability to vote with their wallets to force companies to comply with their desires. Check out his website at www.GHSMP.org.   

Serious Thoughts from Danny Quintana: Saving the wildlife in the oceans is up to YOU the consumer in the developed world. You are the cause of the problem. It is YOU that is dumping plastic in the oceans. YOU are the ones who buy fish that are endangered. YOU the consumer who eat bluefin tuna that is on the edge of extinction are the ones responsible. All solutions to all man made problems, from war to peace, from sustainability to destruction of the rain forests- all in the name of Consumerism.

Who is elected as the next Emperor or Empress will not make any difference in stopping the slaughter of the wildlife in the oceans. Until YOU the consumer stop buying fish as a "food choice", stop killing sharks for shark fin soup, stop eating whales because it is your "Japanese" cultural tradition, stop giving tax subsidies to these rich fishing companies that give campaign contributions to your corrupt politicians--until YOU do something to stop the slaughter, the oceans' sea life will continue to be killed to extinction.

There are no whales on Mercury. There are no dolphins on Venus. There are no sailfish on Mars. There is no complex life of any kind in our inner solar system. This is it. Bernie Santa Claus Sanders is not saying one word about the collapse of the fish stocks. YOU are the solution. Please stop buying endangered sea life. Your politicians have failed you and will continue to fail you. They are into "power" not progressive change.

If politicians were doing their job we would not be promoting the creation of a Global High Seas Marine Preserve. A small handful of people saved the buffalo. The commercial industrial fishing industry is tiny. Less than one percent of the fisherman are responsible for 70 percent of the catch. All we have to do to win is STOP BUYING THEIR PRODUCT! Please down load this app and use it.

Go to www.GHSMP.org to see link to Seafood Watch App and sign the petition at www.SaveOceanLife.com.

About Danny Quintana:

Danny Quintana, author of Space & Ocean Exploration: The Alternative to Military-Industrial Complex and founder of Global High Seas Marine Preserve Foundation, is an attorney activist who has taken up the cause of trying to Save the Oceans by banning industrial fishing in international waters around the world.  The central premise of the book is to begin shifting large amounts of U.S. Defense Spending to the pursuit of Space and Ocean Research, thus preserving the industrial base, keeping plants and jobs in congressional districts intact and giving them a task that could mean the difference between success and disaster for humanity 

Fishing stocks throughout the world are collapsing under the weight in industrial harvesting of marine life by trawlers the size of large cruise ships that move in and virtually sweep all marine life before, whether sought for consumer consumption or not.  Bi-catch, as the unwanted portion is called, often dies in the process or is thrown back injured and unable to recover sufficiently.  Top of the food chain predators are being fished out, 100 million sharks annually killed for their fins, of existence and the result for the world's oceans will be a man-made genocidal disaster as billions of people around the world lose food supply and livelihoods in the process.   

The Global High Seas Marine Preserve is designed for that purpose and you can sign the petition to close the fisheries to industrial fishing at www.SaveOceanLife.com.

For about the book Space & Ocean Exploration go to www.SpaceOceanExploration.com.



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Name: Danny Quintana -
Dateline: Salt Lake City, UT United States
Direct Phone: 801 209 5850
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