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Contact Us - Creating Champions For Life
Thomas and Bonnie Liotta -- The Parent Helpers Thomas and Bonnie Liotta -- The Parent Helpers
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Seattle, WA
Tuesday, February 27, 2018

"This isn't a "mini victory," this is a HUGE victory! My husband and I just met with our son's 1st grade teacher and assistant principal! They recommend that we completely DISMISS his FBA (Functional Behavior Assessment) at this time! Our son has made SIGNIFICANT progress this year and his behaviors have improved DRASTICALLY! The FBA is not reflective of his current level!

What a fantastic conference! I could not wait to tell all of you! Tears of JOY today! Thank YOU Thomas Liotta and Bonnie Liotta for all you do and for making us believe in our son!"

You have found THE Parent Helpers! This Dynamic Duo have dedicated their lives to helping parents bring out the best in their children. 

Click here to watch a short bio video!

Bonnie has an extensive background in personal development. She has been recognized as a leader in business, being featured in two National Magazines, Success Magazine and Your Business at home. She has worked with tens of thousands of individuals through Inspirational Speaking, Coaching and Leadership.

Thomas has spent his entire life working with and coaching children. He began coaching little league at the age of 17 and by 1994 he was running and operating his own Martial Arts School. He made a decision early on to always work with kids in a positive manner, meaning never saying no to a child and it worked to produce happy, successful and grateful children!!! He has developed a philosophy for guiding children behavior by teaching children to earn things.

These two have strategically come together to create the most up-to-date and innovative parenting philosophy on the planet!!! The Creating Champions for Life philosophy has already helped thousands of families discover true happiness, peace and loving relationships with one another. Find out all you can about this amazing philosophy! 

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Thomas and Bonnie Liotta
Title: Founder, CIO
Group: Creating Champions for Life
Dateline: Seattle, WA United States
Main Phone: (206)262-7340
Cell Phone: (206)391-0223 NIS
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