Sunday, March 8, 2020
Coronavirus - Seven Experts - Contact Direct or reply for booking.
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1) Coronavirus and Its PTSD Connection
Coronavirus and Its PTSD Connection
The coronavirus (Covid-19) is spreading around the world and killing people. Governments know that It is reaching epidemic proportions that will cause all of us concern, but for some individuals, it will be worse than a concern; it will be Post-traumatic Stress Disorder.
PTSD is a serious anxiety disorder usually associated with fearful occurrences in one's life, such as car accidents, natural disasters, or life-threatening events. But we know that it can be generated by not experiencing the event directly but viewing the event (TV) or reading about it (media) or even hearing about the experiences of others.
Two forms where the event is at a distance and not directly experienced are vicarious PTSD, such as healthcare workers treating someone. Secondary PTSD exposure when people hear about first-hand experiences of others. Neither should be dismissed or downplayed since it is a bona fide, serious disorder that can last a lifetime.
Usually, we don't associate PTSD with medical illness, but the coronavirus has changed our thinking, and we need to reconsider this serious anxiety disorder in that virus' context. The virus may result in a mental health crisis on our doorsteps. How do we handle it, and are we recognizing it?
Dr. Patricia A. Farrell, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist
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2) Coronavirus - Healthcare and Consumer Prevention Tips -- Wilson,2020228821.aspx
Practical Tips for Preventing the Coronavirus
Caregiving expert, Pamela D. Wilson, eases concerns about the coronavirus. She offers context about viruses including the history of the 1918 flu pandemic, frequency of the flu, pneumonia, the norovirus, and practical tips in a detailed article about the coronavirus in her Caring for Aging Parents Blog.
Risks of Implementing Infection Control Protocols
According to Wilson, "It is difficult for the public at large to understand the stress placed on healthcare workers while organizations implement infection prevention and control recommendations. A shortage of healthcare workers in all areas: hospitals, nursing homes, and eldercare communities places organizations in a position of hiring pool workers who may not be as well trained or committed as regular employees"
Healthcare worker shortages result in employees working work longer hours and overtime. Committed healthcare workers show up on the job sick, which in the case of the coronavirus, may pose greater risks to coworkers and patients.
Federal and state regulations require healthcare organizations to follow universal precautions to prevent the spread of viruses. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid have released recent updates about procedures for the coronavirus.
Healthcare organizations can test visitors, employees, patients, and residents of communities for the coronavirus. In the case of Lifecare of Kirkland, Washington, a 190-bed nursing home facility where the coronavirus is active, nursing homes can also impose lockdown conditions restricting visitors while focusing on infection control protocols.
Transmission of the Coronavirus
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the most common means of transmitting the coronavirus is coughing and sneezing that carries airborne droplets to nearby persons. The elderly, children, persons with multiple chronic diseases, and those with weak immune systems are most affected by the coronavirus.
The coronavirus in elderly and young populations with weak immune systems is more likely to advance to viral pneumonia, not treatable with antibiotics. Fending off the coronavirus and pneumonia requires a healthy immune system.
Healthy adults are more likely to recover without adverse or long-lasting side effects. Containment of the virus requires all consumers to follow hand-washing and surface cleaning activities. Precautions for sneezing and coughing by covering the nose and mouth are mandatory to prevent further spread of the coronavirus. Wearing a face mask is recommended for persons with an active respiratory infection.
Health and Prevention is a Consumer Responsibility
Wilson's belief is that health, well-being, and prevention are consumer responsibilities. The healthcare system treats diseases after diagnosis.
Multiple companies are pursuing a vaccine for the coronavirus. Developing a virus can take time. Until then, infection control protocols in the healthcare system and proactive consumers are the solutions to stop the spread of the coronavirus.
For more than 20 years, Wilson has owned and operated companies providing in-home care for the elderly, care management oversight, and fiduciary services. Today Wilson speaks, educates, and develops content and digital programs for consumers and corporations.
Corporations interested in digital support programs for working caregivers can contact Pamela for more information about workplace caregiver programs. Pamela speaks and provides content for corporations desiring to reach consumers interested in health, well-being, and planning for care. More information is available on Pamela's website.
Pamela D. Wilson
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3) The Coronavirus Pandemic,-C,2020208003.aspx
What is the Coronavirus?
Technically called nCoV-19, the Novel Coronavirus, 2019 is in the same family as SARS and MERS. About 70 percent of its genetic makeup is related to SARS and this particular virus has never before been seen in humans. It is believed to be a Zoonotic disease; which means that it originated in infected animals (probably snakes) and through a complicated process crossed over to at least one human host. From there, humans infected one-another, and the disease spread.
How the Disease Spreads
Similar to SARS and MERS, Coronavirus spreads through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes, similar to how influenza and other respiratory pathogens proliferate. The United States Center for Disease Control estimates that the current incubation and infection time is estimated to be between 2 and 14 days. What this estimate means is that you can be infected and spreading the virus and not show any symptoms. Symptoms include fever, dry cough, shortness of breath, and other trouble breathing caused by viral pneumonia.
Joyce L. Gioia, CMC, CSP
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4) An Inspirational Remedy for Today's Political & Coronavirus Fears,2020218553.aspx
If you feel like you might be losing your mind over recent world events, writer/producer Robin Jay has the perfect remedy for you. Jay has produced three inspirational films that will leave you feeling empowered and uplifted. She believes that most of today's hysteria comes from fear. And, that while fear can affect us through external sources, the thoughts we hold inside ourselves can be even more damaging. Jay says the more you allow yourself to be exposed to the fear mongering, the harder it can be to avoid the negative emotional ripples that come with it.
"There has never been a better time to focus on things that can lift you up and empower you. That is one of the reasons I wrote and produced the 'Key' movies," says Jay. "When there is unrest in society, we can feel incredibly overwhelmed. From voilence in the news to economic concerns, and now the world epidemic of the Coronavirus, it's no wonder many people are feeling helpless. All anyone needs to do is turn on the news to find themselves scared and helpless"
Robin Jay
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5) Top of Mind Thursday: Going Viral,2020218217.aspx
Beyond the health crisis, the disruption to ordinary life is just starting to be felt. Millions of people throughout Asia are quarantined or told to stay home and not work. This is creating major disruptions to the supply chain--factories throughout Asia, Europe and North America will be impacted. Workers will not be able to do their jobs, get paid, or feed their families--if food is even available.
Yesterday, MWC (the Mobile World Congress conference), scheduled for later this month in Barcelona, was cancelled because of the virus. Corona virus is not a health threat in Spain, but MWC attracts 100,000 people, including mobile technology providers and wireless carriers from around the world. Asian exhibitors can't get to the event; attendees were concerned about contagion; the organizers couldn't guarantee that would not occur, so they opted for cancellation.
Linda J. Popky
650 281-4854
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6) Ed How the Coronavirus is Infecting the Trillion Dollar Meeting Industry,2020228831.aspx
"If necessity is the mother of invention," he wrote, "then every passing day of this virus crisis is forcing a growing number of companies and organizations to invent — or re-discover — alternative ways for people to 'attend' and participate in meetings and conventions"
He noted that, "Corporations who now spend large sums of money to stage, sponsor or exhibit at meetings and conventions may have to reallocate those funds to different line items in their annual budgets. Trade shows and other events that rely on sponsorship dollars and the spending by attendees may be forced to find new and creative ways to make up for lost income.
Ed Segal
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7) Counterfeiting, False Product Claims and The Coronavirus, A Very Real nd Growing Concern
SK Worldwide, Ltd., a global brand protection and anti-counterfeiting investigations firm, announced today that they have witnessed a tremendous growth in reporting regarding the availability of counterfeit goods relating to personal protection from the Coronavirus. The products being reported range from fake face protection masks to fake cure-alls. As a global pandemic looms, there are those that seek to profit and price gouge. There are measures that consumers can take to protect themselves.
Kelly Mattmuller