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Corporate Sales Manager Hides Identity As Patriotic Pin-Up Girl
Gina Elise --  Pin-Ups For Vets Gina Elise -- Pin-Ups For Vets
New York, NY
Friday, January 4, 2013

Pin-Ups For Vets Team Visits Vets at Long Beach VA Hospital
Video Clip: Click to Watch
 On January 3rd, the AOL "You've Got" Team released their first video production of the new year on the AOL Homepage.  The topic of  their first video production featured the founder of the national nonprofit organization, "Pin-Ups For Vets",  the popular Pin-Up-In-Chief, Ms. Gina Elise.   The video attracted over 1.3 million hits from visitors to the AOL Homepage on the day it was released.  

"You've Got Gina Elise" highlighted the double life of Gina Elise, who spent her days as a successful corporate sales manager in the Los Angeles hotel industry, while turning herself into a WWII-style pin-up girl on the weekends to help boost morale for hositalized Veterans across the U.S.

Pin-Up Girl, Gina Elise, along with the 'Pin-Ups For Vets" volunteers,  has personally visited over 5000 ill and injured Veterans in VA and military hospitals since 2007, and her organization has donated thousands of dollars to improve Veterans' health care programs in VA Hospitals. 

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Gina Elise
Group: Pin-Ups For Vets
Dateline: Redlands, CA United States
Direct Phone: nis
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