Home > NewsRelease > Cow Guy Close & Dr. Swain – Billions Wasted: Why Ending the Department of Education Is the Right Move
Cow Guy Close & Dr. Swain – Billions Wasted: Why Ending the Department of Education Is the Right Move
Carol M. Swain  -- Political Scientist, Author, and Commentator Carol M. Swain -- Political Scientist, Author, and Commentator
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Nashville, TN
Friday, March 14, 2025


For decades, we’ve watched billions of taxpayer dollars funnel into an education system that continues to decline. Now, we’re seeing real movement in the right direction—toward accountability, efficiency, and education decisions returning to the states and local communities where they belong. This is long overdue. The federal government has wasted trillions while test scores drop, classrooms become battlegrounds for political agendas, and parents lose their say. It’s time to restore power to parents, teachers, and local leaders who know what’s best for our kids.


Carol Swain (Ph.D.) is an award-winning political scientist and former tenured professor at Princeton and Vanderbilt Universities. She is the author or editor of 10 books, including Be The People: A Call to Reclaim America’s Faith and Promise and The New White Nationalism in America: Its Challenge to Integration.

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Name: Dr. Carol M. Swain
Title: President and Owner
Group: Carol M. Swain Enterprises, LLC
Dateline: Brentwood, TN United States
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