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Cumulus Global Publishes the Cloud Solutions Daily
Allen B. Falcon -- Cumulus Global Allen B. Falcon -- Cumulus Global
Westborough, MA
Monday, November 5, 2012

Cumulus Global (www.cumulusglobal.com) announced the launch of the Cloud Solutions Daily, a daily online newspaper focused on cloud computing news, opinion, and analysis. The paper, available via free subscription, aggregates content from dozens of verified sources, providing cloud computing related stories relevant to business, technology, education, and the environment.

"The nature of Information Technology and cloud computing is changing rapidly," stated Allen Falcon, CEO of Cumulus Global. "Our news service provides an easy to scan summary of what is current in the industry. We offer news, analysis, and a wealth of good ideas from industry experts."

Readers may read and subscribe to the Cloud Solutions Daily for free.

About Cumulus Global

Cumulus Global (http://www.cumulusglobal.com) is Cloud Solutions Provider and a Google Apps Premier SMB Reseller helping small and mid-size businesses, non-profits, governments, and educational institutions move from in-house systems to cloud computing solutions. Serving clients from 1 to more than 1,000 employees across numerous industries, we align technology with our clients' goals, objectives, and bottom lines. We leverage our expertise, vendor relationships, and a diversified range of best-of-breed cloud services to create custom solutions with tangible value. In addition to Google Apps, Cumulus Global offers a range of cloud-based security, storage, and server solutions.
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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Allen B. Falcon
Title: CEO
Group: Cumulus Global
Dateline: Westborough, MA United States
Direct Phone: 508-948-4071
Main Phone: 866-356-1202
Cell Phone: 508-989-4792
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