Home > NewsRelease > Dad Inventors Create the World's First Patented Self-Sealing Balloon
Dad Inventors Create the World's First Patented Self-Sealing Balloon
Julie Austin - Creativity -- Innovation -- Entrepreneur -- Expert Julie Austin - Creativity -- Innovation -- Entrepreneur -- Expert
Los Angeles, CA
Tuesday, April 26, 2016



LOS ANGELES, CA - Since the first modern latex balloon was invented in 1931, little has changed until now. But inventors Wes Warner and Troy Stark have proven that you can reinvent the balloon. Their patented product, glooeys, takes the struggle out of tying balloons. 

It all started when Warner, a pilot and dad, watched in frustration as his young son tried repeatedly to tie a water balloon. "There has to be an easier way", Wes thought. "Why hasn't anyone ever come up with a balloon that seals itself?" Wes created some initial sketches before contacting his friend, business partner and fellow pilot, Troy Stark, for a brainstorming session.

The two dad inventors realized that the easiest way to keep the air from escaping from the balloon was simply to seal it shut, eliminating the need to tie it. So, like all inventors, they experimented. It took over a year of testing different adhesives until they finally found one that was non-toxic and strong.

Now the dads have gotten the whole family involved, doing testing and making promotional videos. "I'm thinking about the future for my daughter," says Stark, " Some day she's going to take over the business". The Warner boys have a head start from all the prototype testing they've helped with. "The boys have been a huge part of the testing. Without their help, we wouldn't be this far."

glooeys is ramping up manufacturing through a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter, so early adopters can get in on the ground floor before they hit retail stores.

The glooeys technology will completely disrupt the balloon industry. Balloons of the future will all be self-sealing. The time, energy and frustration of tying balloon knots will be a thing of the past.

Check them out at:


Troy Stark and Wes Warner are available for interviews and can be reached through Abbott & Klein PR at 310-444-7788 or julie@abbottandklein.com.



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Name: Julie Austin
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Group: Creative Innovation Group
Dateline: Los Angeles, CA United States
Direct Phone: 310-444-7788
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