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Dalai Lama Brings a Message of Peace and Hope to America
Tom Hinton --  CRI Global, LLC Tom Hinton -- CRI Global, LLC
San Diego, CA
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, arrived in San Diego, California today bringing his simple, but powerful message of peace, hope and spiritual healing to thousands of people.

There is something both positive and serene about the 77 year-old spiritual leader of Tibet. His boyish smile and youthful energy hides his age and the many burdens he carries. Although he is a Buddhist, his love for all people shines through. His ability to forgive his enemies is profound. When the Dalai Lama was asked years ago how he could forgive the Chinese for invading his native country of Tibet and killing thousands of people, he simply replied, "It makes me feel better to forgive than to hate."

There are many lessons we can learn from this gracious man regardless of our religious or political persuasions. Certainly, there is room in every heart for greater peace, understanding, forgiveness and love. This is his simple message and hope. How profound.

About the Author. Tom Hinton is the author of 10,000 Days: The Rest of Your Life, the Best of Your Life! Mr. Hinton is a popular speaker on Work-Life Balance and Personal Growth topics. Contact: tom@tomhinton.com

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Title: President & CEO
Group: 10,000 Days Foundation
Dateline: San Diego, CA United States
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