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‘Danger Close’ by Patrick Byrne Wins First Place in the FIREBIRD Book Awards ‘Political’ Genre’

‘Danger Close’ by Patrick Byrne Wins First Place in the FIREBIRD Book Awards ‘Political’ Genre’

 Former Overstock.com CEO's Tell-All Book is "One of the Best and Most  Exciting Books of the Year"—John Kelly, Detroit Free Press

Foreword by General Michael T. Flynn

Washington, DC—DANGER CLOSE by Patrick Byrne has won 'First Place' in the FIREBIRD BOOK AWARDS' Political genreAuthors and publishers from around the world submitted their work to the International Firebird Book Awards for consideration. A select panel of 25 judges independently scored and evaluated the quality of the writing and production. Only entries with the highest scores were awarded the coveted Firebird.

In his explosive memoir, Patrick Byrne, former CEO of Overstock.com, presents a harrowing account of his involvement in a maze of corruption and deception at the top tiers of the U.S. government. Published by Defiance Press, Danger Close: Domestic Extremist Threat #1 Comes Clean offers readers an extraordinary glimpse behind the veil of power, laying bare startling truths poised to redefine public knowledge of governmental operations.

View the book trailer here: https://bit.ly/Trailer_Danger_Close

The prologue, penned by the highly regarded retired military officer General Michael T. Flynn, paves the way for Byrne's jaw-dropping disclosures. General Flynn writes, "The unbelievable saga of bribery, blackmail, rape, and murder, more commonly the fabric of fictional narratives, is the reality of a man coerced into facilitating these deeds for our government. Patrick's testimony is genuine, the corruption he has unveiled is authentic, and the narrative becomes increasingly alarming as it unfolds."

Adding to the narrative's credibility, the preface by Maria Butina, who finds herself at the heart of Byrne's story, illuminates her wrongful persecution and her unexpected bond with Byrne. Butina reveals, "I was framed and made a scapegoat for alleged 'Russian Collusion' with Trump's presidential campaign—a collusion that never existed, as confirmed by both the Durham and Mueller reports. My consequence was an 18-month U.S. prison sentence. Regrettably, Patrick's involvement as 'patient zero' in my case, working against me with the FBI, was significant."

"Danger Close puts us at the forefront of world events and offers an insider's view into the machinations of power, illuminating ideas that challenge the status quo and question the integrity of government agencies. It is a fascinating excursion into the darker side of politics and is one of the best and most exciting books of the year. Highly recommended. —John Kelly, Detroit Free Press

Dave Roberts, CEO of Defiance Press, emphasizes the critical timing of the book's publication, stating, "With the approach of the 2024 election, it's imperative that the public learns the full scope of the 'Russiagate' conspiracy. Patrick Byrne's revelations provide a sobering reminder of the urgent need for transparency and truth in our political discourse."

Danger Close offers an insider's view into the machinations of power, unveiling shocking realities that challenge the status quo and pose serious questions about the integrity of government agencies.

Byrne affirms, "This book is a candid narrative of my personal experiences and the disturbing realities I discovered. My aim in telling my story is to highlight the insidious elements at play and to spark a critical dialogue on the necessity of accountability and openness in our governance."

About The Author:

Patrick Byrne, an alumnus of Dartmouth College, Stanford University, and Cambridge University as a Marshall Scholar, is a seasoned entrepreneur and visionary. Mentored by Warren Buffett, Byrne's diverse ventures span real estate to blockchain, and he boasts 20 years as an E-Commerce pioneer at Overstock.com. Recognized as the "National Entrepreneur of the Year" (2011) and with his firm honored as "One of America's Most Trusted Firms" by Forbes, Byrne's journey also includes a legendary battle against Wall Street manipulators preceding the 2008 Financial Crisis. Beyond his business achievements, Byrne unveils a second life intertwined with the United States Government. From exposing a fake Russian scandal to facilitating a bribe for Hillary Clinton, his involvement in historical events becomes a compelling narrative. Byrne argues these were early elements in a Deep State soft-coup against America, with the pivotal moment being the rigging of Election 2020—a stance he believes challenges the principles of just government derived from the consent of the governed.

Danger Close: Domestic Extremist Threat #1 Comes Clean Published February 2024, ISBN: 196310210X, 188 pages, is available in paperback, kindle and hardcover on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, major retailers and via the publisher, Defiance Press.  

Media Contact: For a review copy of Danger Close or to arrange an interview with Patrick Byrne, contact Scott Lorenz of Westwind Book Marketing at scottlorenz@westwindcos.com or at 734-667-2090. Reach Lorenz on Twitter @abookpublicist.

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Name: Scott Lorenz
Group: Westwind Book Marketing
Dateline: Plymouth, MI United States
Direct Phone: 734-667-2090
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