Home > NewsRelease > Deadline Jan. 31 for 2020 Yearbook of Experts
Deadline Jan. 31 for 2020 Yearbook of Experts
Joan Stewart -- Publicity Expert Joan Stewart -- Publicity Expert
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Sagamore Hills, OH
Monday, January 20, 2020


Media testimonialsWhen the media want comments on a breaking news event, or they need to book a guest quickly on a TV or radio show, they rely on the Yearbook of Experts. 

That’s because it’s one of the most well-respected and frequently used databases of experts. It’s easy to use. And journalists know that because members pay for their own listings, they’re more apt to respond to media requests and be helpful, compared to experts who are discovered through a Google search but difficult to reach or reluctant to be interviewed.

I’ve been promoting the Yearbook of Experts as a compensated affiliate for almost two decades because of the many benefits offered as part of its three-tier service (affiliate link).

Major among them is that you have unlimited use of News Release Wire, the press release distribution service that pushes your content:

  • As a news release about you and what you’re doing, whether it’s launching a new product or book, or speaking at an industry event.  (Note: A news release is the same as a press release.)
  • As a way to push content to your social media profiles like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  • As a Q&A that offers value to people who are searching online for answers to a problem. The headline includes the question they’re asking. The body copy includes the answers. You should also include a call to action link. These releases are optimized for the search engines because, even if people don’t know you, your release will come up in search results when they type their questions into the Google search bar. 

Your Releases Distributed 10 Ways

People don’t have to go to the Expertclick website. Your releases are:

  1. Syndicated to Google News.
  2. Pushed to Lexis.com, the leading professional search resource.
  3. Shown instantly on the ExpertClick front page.
  4. Shown on your Press Room page.
  5. Shown in search results for all your topics.
  6. Referenced by icons in the printed & PDF Yearbook of Experts.
  7. Shown as unique search engine optimized pages.
  8. Shown at RadioTour.com if the releases have audio and video.
  9. Offered through RSS feeds you can pull into your social media accounts. 
  10. This is also an easy way to syndicate your blog.  

6 Ways to Send Your Releases

Send them via ExpertClick.com that offers full features, or use NewsClick.com where the release can be sent with only seven keystrokes:

  1. As text.
  2.  As HTML.
  3. As a screenshot, with a headline you enter.
  4. As a PDF that you upload.
  5.  As a hosted tweet. You enter the headline and the Twitter embed code.
  6. As a video news release. You enter a headline and embed a YouTube video.  

You can also choose from a variety of badges and buttons to use on your profile page and in your online pressroom. 

Testimonials from Happy Subscribers

The difference between an Expertclick subscriber who sees results and one who doesn’t is the amount of effort they’re willing to spend creating content.  Write just one or two press releases a year, and Expertclick has only two opportunities to distribute your content. 

Subscriber Barbara Bryan from the national Child Abuse and Resource Center said she received an email from a New York Times writer who was assigned to research Munchausen’s Syndrome, a type of mental illness that’s associated with severe emotional difficulties.  The writer told her that “every time he did a search on Lexis, my news releases were the first seen,” she said. I’m guessing that’s because she published them consistently.   

Child safety expert Debra Holtzman wrote so many press releases on her topic that she was covered by Inside Edition, MSNBC, Parenting magazine, Child magazine, The Boston Globe and Oprah, among others.

Don’t Subscribe If…

I recommend you don’t spend your money on this service if:

  • You don’t want to publish content on a regular basis. This is NOT a do-it-once-and-you’re-done service. A combination of blog posts, articles, audios and videos can keep your funnel full and give you more than enough content to share on multiple platforms, for further reach.
  • You’re media-shy and the thought of talking to reporters on the telephone or, worse, appearing on camera, frightens you. (Get media training!)   
  • You refuse to believe you’re an expert. After all, this is The Yearbook of Experts. 

But I assume you’re reading this because you WANT publicity.

Save 15% Using This Link Before Jan. 31

That’s why you should act by Jan. 31 and save 15% using this affiliate link.

Mitch Davis, who owns Expertclick, offers fabulous customer service as well as a 30-day, money-back guarantee. For questions or to register by phone, call him at (202) 333-5000.

If you subscribe, I’d love to hear about your results. 

Other Publicity Resources to help you:

How to Become an Author Expert and Strut Your Stuff

When to Use a Press Release and When to Deliver a Pitch

89 Press Release Tips — This is my free course on how to write press releases. Perfect for beginners or for PR pros who need a refresher.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Joan Stewart
Group: The Publicity Hound
Dateline: Sagamore Hills, OH United States
Main Phone: 262-235-2843
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