Home > NewsRelease > Deborah King – Fox News:The Human Body As A Lie Detector
Deborah King – Fox News:The Human Body As A Lie Detector
Deborah King -- Spiritual Teacher Deborah King -- Spiritual Teacher
Malibu, CA
Sunday, May 17, 2009

Health and wellness expert Deborah King is featured on Fox News sharing her insights on how to tell if someone is lying to you. She talks about the signs that someone is lying, and how some liars believe their own lies. In this lively discussion, Deborah King also talks about why people lie and the physical damage that can result from the lies we tell ourselves.  Watch the video here

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Name: Deborah King
Group: Deborah King Center
Dateline: Westlake Village, CA United States
Direct Phone: (800) 790-5785
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