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Dentist Finds Nutrition Education Paramount to Reducing Cavities
Dr. Lisa Knowles, Dentist Dr. Lisa Knowles, Dentist
Detroit, MI
Monday, March 16, 2015


Dentist Finds Nutrition Education Paramount To Reducing Cavities


Detroit, Mich., (March 16, 2015) – Simply telling patients to start flossing or stop eating sweets is not enough, says Michigan dentist, Dr. Lisa Knowles.

"I started out my career thinking I was going to fix teeth and help patients keep their teeth longer. Fixing teeth turned out being a lot easier than teaching patients about eating well or eating differently."

Dr. Knowles decided to dig a little deeper into her patients' eating habits and motivations for eating. She found a complex network of reasoning behind their food choices and eating habits.

"I realized I could not just tell my patients to do something. I actually had to teach them how to do something. That's why I decided to interview Karen Le Billon. She wrote two books I really enjoyed: Getting To Yum and French Kids Eat Everything. When I spoke to Karen, our ideas just synergized. She reminded me that I had to help my parent patients understand their role as food educators in their households—even if the household is busy and overscheduled."

Knowles does talk to her patients a lot more than some healthcare professionals.

"I am a teacher first, and a dentist second. I know not everyone sees their job as this, but I believe if more healthcare professionals did, our costs and disease rates would decrease. Many patients just need solid advice and a really good listening ear to hear the correct messages."

Dr. Knowles attributes her ability to listen well and hear the true root causes in her patients' problems to her primary degree in Communication at Alma College. 

"I probably catch things a little faster than someone else because I know what I am looking for and listening for without being naïve or mislead. We take communication skills for granted, but it's really an art to be able to say or write what we mean--and hear the correct messages from others," said Knowles.

Going to the dentist is one of those necessary health habits. Preventing dental decay or gum disease is not as easy as is appears. It takes guidance and a deeper understanding of why people choose to eat certain foods or adopt certain habits.

"If I had to choose a dentist, I would say look for someone who communicates well—and not just in a friendly way, but someone who is willing to teach and ask questions as well. That is how I pick my doctors. I have realized my role, as a dentist is not to just tell patients what to do, but to guide them with knowledge and offer options along the way. I cannot motivate my patients to change. They have to motivate themselves. I just often provide the knowledge and inspiration they need to make it happen." Knowles explained.

About Dr. Lisa Knowles

Dr. Lisa Knowles practices in Okemos and Jackson Michigan. Lisa graduated from the University of Michigan School of Dentistry in 1998. She takes a 'Beyond32Teeth' approach to dentistry and challenges her profession to think broadly and deeply about the non-technical side of patient care and healthcare in general. She blogs regularly at Beyond32Teeth.com.


IntentionalDental Consulting
1053 Lantern Hill Dr.
East Lansing, MI 48823

Office: 517-331-3688
Cell: 517-282-8183

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Name: Dr. Lisa Knowles
Title: Dentist, Communication & Message Expert
Group: IntentionalDental Consulting
Dateline: Detroit, MI United States
Direct Phone: 517-282-8183
Cell Phone: 517-282-8183
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