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Discover Why Earthquake Proofing Your Collectibles Has A Secret Purpose!

Figurines/statues bacame flying missiles during Japan's earthquake
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 Has earthquake proofing your home or office ever crossed your mind? Chances are someone will get hurt from something flying through the air more than the roof caving in. Here's a true life experience from this morning…

I was around Pomona, CA today visiting a family in a new 9,000 sq. ft home with all the fantasy bling. Wow… nice! They are furnishing it with nice things including vintage oil paintings, collectibles, ceramics and figurines, souvenirs… and lots of family photos in frames on shelves and countertops. I love walking through people's homes and looking at their family photos and vacation shots. But that's not what this is about.

Being in Southern California, they're worried about earthquakes, like most everyone else, and the discussion started about what might get damaged. That's, of course, hard to say because it all depends on how strong the earthquake is. The recent earthquake in Northeastern Japan lasted 2 1/2 minutes at 9 on the Richter scale and one would think, "What can hold up under THAT strong of an earthquake?!"

Actually, quite a bit can hold together and our discussion turned from what items might be damaged to what items might become flying missiles/projectiles. More people are damaged by stuff flying around than the roof caving in.

So, I took a quick inventory: 72 paintings, 173 collectibles/framed items and 30 items that need to be strapped down so they don't topple over.

The walk-through inventory took 15 minutes with a note pad but gave a good quick picture of what might be a flying dangerous item or be a valuable item to be damaged. It was very useful!

Then we talked about anchoring things down, getting better hooks for hanging items, strapping things down that will topple over (maybe on top of someone?!).

If this discussion interests you for your home or office… either because you live in earthquake or hurricane country… perhaps you'll find the following "helps" interesting if not entertaining:

See a quick video about anchoring things down and using Museum Wax at www.saveyourstuffblog.com/museum-wax-package

See other articles at www.preservationcoach.com

Follow us on Facebook at "Save Your Stuff"

I'll be following up with my visit today. It looks like getting the house "earthquake proofed" has turned into a high priority. At your home or office, don't just think about what item might get damaged. Think about the safety or those around you and your peace of mind in being prepared.

Here's the latest update on the Japanese earthquake statistics:

Japan Earthquake & Tsunami – Update #9

On March 11, a record 9.0-magnitude earthquake struck near the Japanese city of Sendai. It generated a powerful 32-foot tsunami which struck northern Japan and caused widespread destruction to coastal areas and communities. Damage to two area nuclear power plants has caused a third emergency—the threat of nuclear radiation exposure.

As of March 31st:

• More than 11,000 deaths have been confirmed.

• More than 17,000 people are missing.

• 143,000 buildings have been damaged or destroyed.

• Damage estimates are expected to exceed $300 billion, making this the most expensive disaster in history.

• The nuclear reactors have stabilized, but the situation remains tense with the contamination of water, food, and the environment in the Fukushima area.

• Many basic services have been restored; gasoline and heating fuel are still in short supply.

• The government has begun building temporary housing.

The number of individuals in shelters has decreased to approximately 180,000.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Scott M. Haskins
Title: Author, Art Conservation/Restoration, Pets and Heirlooms, Art Damage, Expert Witness
Group: www.fineartconservationlab.com
Dateline: Santa Barbara, CA United States
Direct Phone: 805-564-3438
Cell Phone: 805 570 4140
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