Finally, assessments are a great tool to spur employees to new heights. Sometimes employees may not have enough confidence in their roles. And sometimes they might have too much.
Assessments can offer a balanced perspective. And that can help both employees and their managers. Employees can set goals for personal growth and develop a mindset of continuous improvement.
Managers can administer tests designed to align with a particular employee’s goals or career path. For instance, maybe an employee is poised for a promotion to senior customer success manager. Perhaps they want to move from marketing to admissions.
Test questions can be put together to fit the employee’s intended paths. The test results can help managers see jumps or lapses in an employee’s development. The results might help a manager see areas, like time management, where an employee could improve.
You can use assessments to identify employees whose skills are above their current roles. This can help with placing employees into areas where they can use their strengths more fully.
Assessments can be tied to employee performance. They can be part of monthly or quarterly evaluations. And performance can be tied to promotions.
Assessments can build better self-awareness. An employee may realize they need to be more adaptable. Or an assessment may show soft skills, like an analytical mindset, that an employee never thought they had.
In short, assessments can help frame strengths, weaknesses, and unique attributes. For an employee to advance within the organization, or in their desired career path, an assessment can point the way to improvements.
Assessments should be given regularly to get the most from them. Employees will be able to see and celebrate improvements. Plus they might just discover something new about themselves.