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Does TV Work? Again, Yes.
Adam Armbruster -- Television Advertising Expert Adam Armbruster -- Television Advertising Expert
Sarasota, FL
Tuesday, June 9, 2015


Suddenly real time measurable results from advertising matter. Imagine. No more can a sexy website, clever platform, or a cuter-than-words logo be convincing enough for unaware advertisers to pony up big shares of their ad budgets.

TV works, TV has worked, TV will continue to work, as long as many people continue to watch every day. Live marketing is the holy grail, live response, live traffic, live sales. Live measurement. Check off the box....TV delivers.

Want more? Excellent article on this same topic from Ad Week:


Adam Armbruster : Television advertising expert and commentator on TV/Digital/Mobile advertising media trends and how these affect consumers and businesses.

Contact: 941-928-7192 
Email: adam@sendadam.com

See video clips at: http://adamarmbrusterarchives.com/


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Name: Adam Armbruster
Title: ESA&Company
Dateline: Sarasota, FL United States
Direct Phone: 941 928 7192
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