Friday, December 29, 2023
Welcome to Stark Raving Entrepreneurs, where we explore the impact of AI on your content creation.
In this episode, we’re diving into the revolutionary changes AI is bringing to the field of content creation which can change how you create and connect. You don’t want to miss this new AI magic that is available.
Join us as we discuss how AI tools are enhancing brand building for professionals such as speakers, authors, and business leaders, and how AI is streamlining content creation processes.
Get ready to get a bunch of great ideas on this episode for insights on specific AI tools like ChatGPT and Canva, and how they are transforming content creation.
Bonus! — Get a sneak peek into the future of AI in content creation and discover how it’s shaping the industry. Get ready to uncover the magic of AI in content creation with us on Stark Raving Entrepreneurs.
Here are 7 time stamps highlighting key points in the episode:
1. [00:00:25]: Gina talks about how AI is making it easier for content creators to enhance their brand and attract more opportunities.
2. [00:01:25]: Terry discusses how AI is taking over laborious tasks and changing the way people work.
3. [00:02:38]: Gina talks about using AI tools to create shorter articles, social media posts, and conduct research to understand trends.
4. [00:03:16]: Gina mentions using ChatGPT 4 for brainstorming, generating workshop ideas, and prioritizing marketing projects for clients.
5. [00:04:38]: Terry mentions using Castmagic for repurposing content for different platforms and recommends Canva for creating images with AI tools.
6. [00:06:28]: Gina discusses using DALL-E for creating graphics and images that she couldn’t have thought of on her own, emphasizing the positive impact of AI on creativity.
7. [00:10:39]: Gina envisions a future where a single AI tool can edit, repurpose, and transcribe a long video into various formats for different channels, highlighting the potential advancements in AI technology.
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Hall of Fame keynote speaker Terry Brock is a globally connected leading authority who works with organizations that want to leverage technology and social media for more customer engagement, productivity, and increased profitability.
Terry is the former Chief Enterprise Blogger for Skype, former Editor-in-Chief for AT&T’s Networking Exchange blog, and former Chief Retail Advisor for ACE Hardware.
A master at his craft, Terry earned the Certified Speaking Professional designation from the National Speakers Association and was inducted into the Speaker Hall of Fame. He was inducted into the Virtual Speakers Hall of Fame and he was recognized as a Legend by the Veteran Speakers Association.
Terry is also a Cavett Award recipient, recognized as the National Speakers Association’s “most cherished” award (only one per year).
As the CEO of Stark Raving Entrepreneurs, Gina Carr works with business leaders to leverage AI-powered marketing for more impact, influence, and income. Gina has an MBA from the Harvard Business School and an engineering degree from Georgia Tech. Known as “The Tribe Builder,” Gina helps passionate people build powerful tribes of raving fans.
A serial entrepreneur, Gina has created several businesses, including an award-winning real estate company, a chain of community magazines, and Video Rock Starz. She is the CEO of TEDxDupreePark. A native Atlantan, Gina now lives in Orlando with her sweetie Terry Brock. Gina is a passionate advocate for animals, freedom, and plant-based living!
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Terry Brock & Gina Carr
For your convenience, here’s the (unedited) transcript of this episode. Please let us know your comments.

Terry Brock [00:00:00]:
The field of content creation has really been changed by AI, like so many other aspects of our society. And we wanna hone in on this and how you can use that as a content creator. I’m Jerry Brock, and I’m joined by Gina Carr, my partner here at Stark Raving Entrepreneurs, where we talk about what’s going on with creating this and using it. Gina, what do you see happening in the field of content creation? How it’s being impacted by AI?
Gina Carr [00:00:25]:
Well, for people that are embracing these tools, it’s never been easier for them to create content which enhances their brand, Which can certainly result in additional bookings, depending on what field they’re they’re in. And that can mean that they’re speakers, authors, Business leaders in a variety of fields, especially service professionals. I’m seeing service professionals really embracing this technology so that they can get more high quality content out into the world to let people know who they are and the problem that they solve.
Terry Brock [00:00:56]:
Yeah. I think so. We’re seeing it change a lot of the ways that professional speakers are using it, the way that podcasters are using it, and AI is definitely changing our world. It’s something that we need to stay in touch with and really focus on. When we think about it, it’s almost like it’s magic, Gina. I think it’s amazing what we can look at with predicting trends. And it takes a lot of those tasks that are really laborious, and we really don’t need to have people doing that, we can let machines do it. This is a natural trend that we’ve seen throughout history.
Terry Brock [00:01:25]:
AI is now doing it, and it’s always uncomfortable for the people that get it initially. Think, Oh no, they’re taking my job away. Well, in a way we are, but we’re gonna give you an even better job. That’s kind of the way I see it working. What do you think about it, Gina?

Gina Carr [00:01:38]:
Well, it is much like magic as we’re guiding our Coaching clients and our agency clients in using this methodology, we constantly are hearing them say, wow. Amazing. I can’t believe it. And so to that extent, it definitely is much like magic. And, part of what we’re helping them learn how to do is to take their longer text, Create shorter articles, turn it into multiple social posts easily, simply, and to load those up into a Social amplifier device, which, can really get their word out in a bigger way, taking their longer video, clips and their longer videos and turning them into shorter clips, which the social algorithms are really liking these days. And then certainly, conducting research to pick up on trends, to pick up on what people are interested in. And, you need to know which tools to use, which ones are best for each of those activities, but that’s where it’s just really shining.
Terry Brock [00:02:38]:
You know, one of the areas where I get a chance to have a lot of fun is in the tools that we have, the AI tools. There are a bunch of them out there. Bunch, I think, is a mild term. There are so many, and they’re really useful for business, for content creators to get that idea. You know that writer’s block thing that we’ve talked about for a long time? With chat GPT, with perplexity, with other tools like that, You can then smash that writer’s block as you start getting some ideas and be able to use them in some profound ways. And Gina, I know that you’re doing a lot with other tools as well. What are some of the tools that you’re using right now in AI that you think, hey, these are the tools I’ve got to have?
Gina Carr [00:03:16]:
Well, I tell you, I keep going back to chat gpt. I’m a plus user, so I use chat gpt 4 all the time. I’m using it for brainstorming, for, generating ideas of of workshops and agendas for workshops And all kinds of information that I can help my clients with. Just this morning, I was helping a client with, prioritizing some marketing projects that she wants to do. And I was creating I used chat gbt to create a schedule for how long should it take for each of these projects with a small team. And So it was really fantastic. It was so much faster and easier than I could have done myself, and, so that’s one of the things I love about it.
Terry Brock [00:03:56]:
Yeah, there’s amazing tools with that. Another one that I like to use a lot is called Cast Magic. Cast Magic was designed originally for podcasters, but then discover, Wow, this can do even more. So then you expand that out to YouTubers and people viewing other video, and it gives you the ability to repurpose what you want to do. You can start taking the audio from that, feed it in there, and then it will give you reels for Instagram or Facebook, will give you LinkedIn posts, It will give you the keywords that you can use, all kinds of tools like that. We’ve talked about cast magic before here on this channel. So I would say take a look at that and see, how you can use it and what can be done with it. What would be another tool that you’ve worked with, Gina, that you particularly like?
Gina Carr [00:04:38]:
Well, Canva is doing some wonderful things. It’s it’s really nice to be able to go into Canva and to use The tools there that allow you to create images, I’ve been creating more images actually in chat gpt lately, But I also do like the fact that I can get some options using Canva and using their I don’t think they’d call it plus, but whatever the Paid membership is in Canva. That’s helpful as well.
Terry Brock [00:05:04]:
Yeah. I think it’s one of the pro pro version, then they have a team’s version that we’re using. And, they have done a great job there. If you’re not using Canva for this, I would definitely look into what the AI tools are for it there. That’s real good. Now, another thing that’s really important about this is not just hearing the theory, but real life examples, what people are actually doing with that. And Gina, you’ve kind of helped spearhead an agency that we have going for us now. We’ve helped people in the real world with some real world projects.
Terry Brock [00:05:33]:
So tell us how you’ve done that, how you get in there, roll up your sleeves, and really get some magic happening. What have you seen with the actual clients that we’re working with?
Gina Carr [00:05:41]:
Well, going back to chat g p t using the four version, which incorporates, DALL E, the which is a graphics version of OpenAI. I’ve been able to input some articles and to create some really stunning, Interesting graphics with those and things that I never would have thought of and things that I certainly couldn’t find on, Canva or another service where the pictures are already created. So thinking about, what are two sides of the same coin. So that’s kind of interesting. And and the before and after, and happy and sad, and showing them in the same image. So it’s been It’s been really good to create those images. I’ve been very pleased with what we’ve come up with for our clients.
Terry Brock [00:06:28]:
Yeah, I think so. There’s quite a few. Matter of fact, you wanna Check out that video, we can make available to you at the end of this video, where Gina came up with the idea. Gina, I thought you were brilliant on this, before and after. We all know in sales, it’s a good thing to say, here’s the condition and here’s the bad things that are happening now. When you buy our product or use our service, good things are gonna happen. And we can create images using DALL E three to be able to say, Here’s what it looked like when it was bad. And you show a negative thing, but then you see the same person, but with another view.
Terry Brock [00:06:59]:
Completely legal to do that, and I’ve used it a few times. And, Gina, I have to thank you again. I’m high fiving you across the mile here. Well, actually, across down the hall as we’re in the same place, but, being able to say that is a really good way of doing it and using it.
Gina Carr [00:07:12]:
You know, one of the things that people say about AI is that it’s going to take jobs, it’s reducing creativity, and that, there are a lot of negative things associated with AI. I do hear them and I do understand some of the concerns, But overall, I see it as such a positive positive innovation for society. And Whether there’s some bad things that come along with it or not, it’s here to stay, and I think we need to make the most of it. And the people who are using it For good, need to use it as much as they can so that they understand it when people who are using it for bad try to co opt it and use it for the bad purposes. What are your thoughts on that, Terry?
Terry Brock [00:07:57]:
Well, it’s interesting. I just got had a call before we did this we’re doing this recording here with a friend of mine and friend of ours, who is doing a lot of coding and doing a lot of programming and training. His boss has told him and the other developers at their company, do not use AI because it might not be legal to do this, or we might not have the code there, we need to know more about it. Well, I can appreciate what that boss is saying, But at the same time, lawyers are on top of this. It is a field that’s kinda murky. And before you do anything, make sure you get sound legal advice. That’s not what I’m offering here. I had 1 class in business law in the MBA program that does not a lawyer make.
Terry Brock [00:08:34]:
And so I am definitely not, but there’s a lot of ramifications of what’s gonna be there, who owns this, who owns that. And there’s constantly changes that are going on. One thing that we found out from Russ Riddle, friend of ours who is a lawyer, who is working with copyright, is often it’s good to go to Write that down., g o v, slash AI. And that’ll give you some of the latest and most revealing status of where we are currently and what has happened. I was looking at that just a few moments ago, showing my friend that. Let me take a look at it.
Terry Brock [00:09:11]:
So I think there’s a lot of applications there and some good things we have, but just be cautious and be careful, making sure you get sound legal advice on what to do. And then when we talk about the future of AI, woah, deli, it is amazing. I am excited to see what’s happening with it and how we’re gonna be able to use it in many more ways. Right now, we’re using it for writing. And we recommend when you’re using this for writing, use it as a way to smashed through the writer’s block. To give you some ideas, we’re using a tool right now from a client of ours called Content Cloud. Content Cloud gives you the ability to type in what is hot in the field of bioengineering or talking a specific question that is of interest to you. We often ask, what AI tools are people using for marketing or content creators using.
Terry Brock [00:09:57]:
And it comes back with a wealth of information. It gives us that. We’ve had some videos on this as well here on our start raving entrepreneurs. We wanna take a look at that. But I think the future of it is gonna be really better and better all the time. It’s already good. And one of the fields that I think is really hot is video. Video is getting stronger all the time, and it has the ability to really start doing a lot of good with that.

Terry Brock [00:10:21]:
Jane, I know you’re looking at tools and kind of always looking into the future. I’m always interested to see what you say when you get that crystal ball of yours out, rub it real well, make sure the batteries are operating on that. What do you see happening in say the next 6 long term, say, 6 months to a year. That would be long term with AI.
Gina Carr [00:10:39]:
Well, I think that, What would be fantastic would be take a video like we’re doing right now, and then just feed it into one of the tools and tell it to go ahead and edit it, Take out the umms and the ahs, consolidate where we have, any kind of blunder, take take that out, and, create an x minute Clip or video for the different channels and then pull different shorter clips for repurposing, create the Transcript from that, create, take use AI to determine what should be be out there or what the clip should be. And actually, there’s all these different tools that I’m talking about, or this capability that I’m talking about Does already exist with various different tools. I haven’t seen it all consolidated into 1 tool, which would certainly be something that I think will be happening In the near future. And then also this ability to just beat it the 1 big video and Have it do all of those things. I think I think it’s in the near term horizon. I can’t wait.
Terry Brock [00:11:47]:
Yeah. I agree. We’re seeing tools like, Opus Clip, which we’ve also had videos on here that do those kind of things. So I’d say, as we look to the future, it’s really good. You definitely want to know about AI. You definitely wanna know what’s there. We offer opportunities for you to get involved in that through Stark Raving Entrepreneurs. Matter of fact, if you go over to starkravingentrepreneurs .com.
Terry Brock [00:12:08]:
You’ll be able to find out all kinds of opportunities that we have for you. And we wanna hear from you. Let us know in the comments below, what are you using right now. What are you not using? What is your concerns about AI as we move forward on that? Lots of good happening there. Gina, any final words or ideas and reflections that you have on AI for content creators.
Gina Carr [00:12:30]:
Well, I love that in our Start Craving Entrepreneurs program that we provide lab for our members to share with us what they’re doing, to look under the hood of different tools, as well as To learn how they can use these tools in their own business. So that’s that’s been very good, very rewarding, and I I love that We’re able to help people with that, and I’m just eager to see all the new things that are coming out and to create some of our own. There are definitely some specific tools That our business owners, service professionals, authors, coaches, speakers need, and we’re going to help them Refine those tools and create their own GPTs that will help them.
Terry Brock [00:13:13]:
Absolutely. Well, Gina, thank you for your input today. And for those of you watching this, Thank you for being here. I’m Terry Brock, and we look forward to hearing from you again.