Home > NewsRelease > Dr. Lisa Knowles Accepted into ADMC
Dr. Lisa Knowles Accepted into ADMC
Dr. Lisa Knowles, Dentist Dr. Lisa Knowles, Dentist
Detroit, MI
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

For Immediate Release

Date: November 5, 2013

Contact: IntentionalDental@gmail.com

Lisa Knowles Phone: 517-282-8183

Specific Information about ADMC: Susan DiGiambattista (executive director)-800-451-6345

Dr. Knowles Accepted into Membership of ADMC

The Academy of Dental Management Consultants, a distinguished group of dental management consultants dedicated to high standards and leadership, welcomes Dr. Lisa Knowles into their membership. 

"My first conference took place in New Orleans this past week at the beginning of the American Dental Association's annual session. This group will nurture me for my entire career. Susan DiGiambattista, the executive director, and the education committee did an outstanding job of providing leadership discussions and opportunities to think deeply on the future of dentistry and on our roles as consultants and coaches for the dental community," said Knowles. 

Dr. Knowles currently practices in Charlotte, Michigan, and is the founder and C.E.O. of IntentionalDental Consulting, a business devoted to helping people change, and like it. 

IntentionalDental Consulting
1053 Lantern Hill Dr.
East Lansing, MI 48823

Office: 517-331-3688
Cell: 517-282-8183

Intro Consulting Video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72W9YbVIjsw
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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Dr. Lisa Knowles
Title: Dentist, Communication & Message Expert
Group: IntentionalDental Consulting
Dateline: Detroit, MI United States
Direct Phone: 517-282-8183
Cell Phone: 517-282-8183
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