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Dr. Michael (Levittan) - Radio Interview & New UCLA Seminar
Dr. Michael Levittan -- Anger Management Specialist Dr. Michael Levittan -- Anger Management Specialist
Los Angeles, CA
Monday, July 22, 2013

Dr. Michael
Today, Tuesday, July 23, Dr. Michael (Levittan) is being interviewed on Voice of America, on the "Human Behavior: What A Trip!" show with Dr. Jonathan Brower. Dr. Michael is speaking on many aspects of Domestic Violence, including victims, perpetrators, effects on children, and options for treatment. This Saturday, Dr. Michael teaches a new seminar for UCLA, "An Integration of Trauma and Addiction" This all-day seminar covers an in-depth examination of both psychological trauma and addiction from perspectives of dynamics, types, consequences, assessments, brain operations, and treatment options. To listen to the Voice of America show: www.voiceamerica.com GOTO 'Wellness and Health' GOTO Dr. Jonathan Brower. To register for the UCLA seminar: www.uclaextension.edu GOTO Search Bar and Type in "Levittan" Thank You - Dr. Michael (Levittan) www.michaellevittan.com (310)820-4111
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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Dr. Michael Levittan
Title: Psychotherapist/Media Spokesperson
Group: Michael Levittan, Ph.D.
Dateline: Los Angeles, CA United States
Direct Phone: 310-820-4111
Cell Phone: 818-618-9785
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