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Dynamics From Liza Amlani -- Retail Strategy Expert
Liza Amlani --  Retail Strategy Expert Liza Amlani -- Retail Strategy Expert
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Toronto, Ontario
Wednesday, October 18, 2023


In high school chemistry, our teacher presented a lesson on molecular motion. He showed us the three ways that a molecule moves.

Translation: It moves from one place to another.

Rotation: It spins around.

Vibration: It shakes. 

And our teacher would act out each one individually.

The follow-up lesson was that none of these happen in isolation, they happen at the same time, all the time, and at any given time. He acted that out for us too. It was a hilarious visual but the lesson has never been forgotten.

Customers are equally as dynamic. So is the market. 

The question for retailers is: How dynamic is your organization?

Retail Strategy Group works with retailers and brands to help them accelerate their speed to market, preserve gross margins and deliver products that their customers truly want. Their monthly newsletter, The Merchant Life attracts retail founders, VPs, and C-Suite executives as they seek valuable merchandising and product creation insights.

For more information, visit www.retailstrategygroup.com, and to sign up for the newsletter, visit www.themerchantlife.com.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Raj Dhiman
Title: Chief Rainmaker
Group: Retail Strategy Group
Dateline: London, ON Canada
Direct Phone: 416-627-3008
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