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Earth Day Round the World- Students and Scientists Reach Out
Bo Lebo -- NEO,Inc. -- Literacy Matters Bo Lebo -- NEO,Inc. -- Literacy Matters
Los Angeles, CA
Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Trees Around the GLOBE - take your measurements and send them in with the Earth Observer or try on another campaign this month
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You can look, listen and learn at the GLOBE page for the Earth Day celebration!

Four hundred students went to Ireland in 2018:

Such fun: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSbHax79PZE&t=39s

Today the theme is welcoming in the 50th anniversary Earth Day and hearing about what is next for the Fall and 2021.

The logo is a student sheltered in home looking out at the world.

You too can join in by downloading the Earth Observer app and take measurements on your phone from your window!

Hear Director Tony Murphy and join others sending in greetings from all over the world.

You can study through out the Covid shelter at home period and talk to your classmates on zoom or schoology integrating STEM studies into studies if you are a student online in LAUSD or watching Nature videos online and reading the GLOBE Elementary storybooks and considering a project with your siblings or school friends that results in learning how to submit a science poster.

NASA STEM at Home offered in English and in Spanish: http:www.Nasa.gov/stem and https://ciencia.nasa.gov

"Here it is, the World Around me" might describe the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day where moms, dads, grandparents, kids, have joined in to learn how to care and notice the state of the Earth from water, to air, to wildlife and more.   Today students are measuring, collaborating, proposing theories and making zoom presentations.  On this April 22, 2020, you can join in on this 25th GLOBE Anniversary year from home.  With a window into the world as a logo, you can watch the video tribute to the community, find out about awards for student stipends, and more at (https:/www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zvotn6QPu5c&feature=youtu.be). 

Find out how to bring the love of the blue planet home, www.nasa.gove/content/earth-day-2020-50th-anniversary-toolkit.

Killarney in July, marching behind a great big blue planet and learning how to learn with life long friends! See you soon whether online or in a project: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JS8UKw1OfNU&t=156s






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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Cynthyny Lebo
Title: Director
Group: New Education Options, Inc
Dateline: Sherman Oaks, CA United States
Main Phone: 818-742-5099
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