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Emotional Copy That Connects With Your Prospects
Ford Saeks - Business Growth Accelerator Ford Saeks - Business Growth Accelerator
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Wichita, KS
Monday, August 14, 2017

by Ford Saeks

“What does it take to be a great copywriter?”

Ford responds:

The master copywriters are curious about life. As a rule, they tend to read a great deal, like to travel, and have a variety of interests. They find other people interesting, and they are very good listeners.

The good news is that you probably already have the skills you need to be a master copywriter; they may be hidden, or they may have been “schooled out” of you, but chances are they are still there. Great marketing copywriters understand that they should write like they talk– not in formal, boring, perfect English speech, but in a clear, conversational style.

There is no “right” way to write copy. The only real outcome you are looking for is copy that is effective; meaning that the prospect buys the product or service you are writing about. The more you write copy—the better you will get at it. As long as you practice, your skills will improve!

I’ve seen amazing results from people who had no formal marketing training who put the following advice into action.

Before you can write emotion-packed copy that really connects with a prospect, you’ve got to become an expert on your product/service. You also must be an expert on your potential customer–you need to know who are they, their purchasing behaviors, and what they buy.

When you’ve done that, it’s time to write. Start by identifying the inherent emotion in the situation…  what motivates their actions–is it fear, success, or something else? Make a benefits list of your product/service so you’ll know how to capture the reader’s attention. When you’re writing copy, always lead with benefits… and then validate with features. 

Finally, when you sit down to write, take the phone off the hook, close your door, and tell everyone in your office that you can’t be disturbed. You know what to do…

If you’d like to learn more about writing killer marketing copy, check out Randy Gage’s popular 12-part study courseHow to Become a Copywriting Stud!in our online Success Store.

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Name: Ford Saeks
Title: Business Growth Expert
Group: Prime Concepts Group, Inc.
Direct Phone: 316-942-1111
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