For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Washington,
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Warning: Declaration of WPDI_Plugin_Installer_Skin::feedback($string) should be compatible with WP_Upgrader_Skin::feedback($string, ...$args) in /home/exnihil0/public_html/wp-content/plugins/classic-editor-addon/vendor/afragen/wp-dependency-installer/wp-dependency-installer.php on line 526Ex Nihilo Managementhttps://www.exnihilo-mgmt.comManagement Solutions That Drive Business ResultsWed, 20 Feb 2019 23:16:05 -0500en-UShourly 1 Press Release: New Book…, 28 Jan 2019 15:00:17 +0000 Book Provides 10 Strategies to Help Women Build Confidence, Charisma and Credibility
Washington, DC (January 28, 2019): As women continue to collectively own their voice and demand equality, author, Angela C. Dingle, is providing a guide to help business women and aspiring women entrepreneurs embrace their “Girl Powers,” in her debut book, Discovering Your Girl Powers.
This book holds the keys to helping women build confidence, charisma and credibility in business and when expanding her personal brand. On Thursday, February 7th, men and women are invited to learn more about a woman’s unique ability to use her style, poise and presence to become empowered and successful during an intimate fireside chat with author, Angela C. Dingle. 
Attendees of the book tour launch event will receive a complimentary copy of the newly released book Discovering Your Girl Powers, hor d’oeuvres, plus, they’ll experience a fireside chat with Angela C. Dingle. When: Thursday, February 7th Time: 5:30 P.M. – 7:00 P.M. Where: The City Club of Washington 555 13th St., NW Washington, DC Speakers: Angela C. Dingle: is a leadership coach, management consultant and speaker. As a Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) ® Certified Practitioner and Certified Management Consultant (CMC) ®, she helps individuals and business executives develop the skills they need to become effective leaders. An award winning business owner, Angela is the President and CEO of Ex Nihilo Management, LLC, a management and technology consultancy based in Washington, DC. What: Book Tour Launch Event Cost: $25 Please send media inquiries to Angel Livas: 202-930-3262 or Individuals can register online at   ]]> - Are You Ready to Discover Your Girl Powers?, 11 Dec 2018 17:28:31 +0000 Your Girl Powers is about knowing the right combination of skills, behaviors and talents to get you where you want to be personally and professionally.
If you haven’t already done so, get started by reading the first three chapters of the book. This will give you a sense of how to identify each of the powers. Then, check out the section on Putting it All Together to identify which of the three powers you want to work on developing. Although the strategies are not listed in any specific order, it is important that you develop the first one in order to be successful at the remainder. Here’s to new discoveries! I would love to hear about your journey, so do keep in touch. ]]> - Ex Nihilo Donates Musical Instruments, 01 Feb 2018 08:21:17 +0000
At the start of the school year Michael Taylor, the music teacher at Truesdell Elementary School, made a commitment to have a fully equipped school band. By January 2007, he had just about everything he needed – except for one thing. The school didn’t have any recorders, so Ex Nihilo donated them. The recorder is one of the introductory wind instruments and children throughout the United States learn to play them in elementary school. Mr. Taylor wanted to have all the instruments and the band organized in time for Music in Our Schools Month, which was held in March 2007. Angela Dingle said “We are proud to be part of Truesdell’s success and congratulate Mr. Taylor for making Truesdell the first school in the nation’s capital to adapt the Keys to Achievement Program”.]]> - Career Day At The Young Women’s Leadership School (TYWLS), 01 Feb 2018 08:20:27 +0000
Angela Dingle, President and CEO joined other women business owners in Harlem, New York for this year’s Cool Women Hot Jobs Career Day. The day included classroom discussions as well as a career fair. “This is a great opportunity to help young women understand their career possibilities” said Angela Dingle. ]]> - Ex Nihilo Supports The 2011 Barracks Row Garden Party, 01 Feb 2018 08:18:41 +0000 Nihilo is proud to support the 2011 Barracks Row Garden Party Fundraiser. “The work that Barracks Row Main Street does for the community is a key factor in my decision to relocate our offices here. This is a prospering commercial community and we’re glad to be a part of it.” says Angela Dingle, President of Ex Nihilo Management, LLC.
Garden Party At The Deer House                Learn More about Barracks Row Main Street. ]]> - 5 Tips For Propagating Best Practices, 30 Jan 2018 16:09:47 +0000 its December 1997 issue, The Systems Thinker newsletter featured an article entitled “Putting Best Practices into Practice”. Its authors, Charles Parry, Marilyn Darling and Stever Robbins discuss how sharing best practices can be an important driver for success within an organization. The article focuses on five principles for sharing and implementing best practices. Some 12 years later, these principles are still applicable so I thought it might be a good idea to share them again. If you are spearheading change within your organization or sponsoring the implementation of a new framework, methodology or set of best practices, keep these things in mind:
State your business case. People want to know “what’s in it for me?” (WIIFM). You must articulate how the best practice supports business goals. When people in different parts of the organization understand how a best practice supports clear business goals, they can actively collaborate to help it spread. Adapt the practice to fit local conditions. There’s no one size fits all solution to today’s business, managerial and technical challenges, so you may need to tailor the practice to meet the unique needs of or local conditions in an organization. What’s important is that you allocate time for learning from mistakes, adapting, and internalizing new behaviors. Understand how your practice really works. Team dynamics and individual contributions can play an important role in the adoption of best practices. A team that has worked together successfully in the past will require less of a focus on team communications as would a newly formed team. It is important to recognize and manage these factors throughout the transition. Make sure your organization supports collaboration. Nothing can derail organizational change quicker than competing reward systems. If the company rewards innovation over collaboration, you’ll have a tough job on your hands. Be sure to assess which systems and structures support or block collaboration within your organization. Don’t allow gems to get lost in the computer. Simply stated, don’t allow technology decisions (e.g., which database should be used to store the best practices) to distract people from the task at hand. Technology should be used to facilitate retrieval of best practices in a manner that is convenient and efficient for the people that need to use them. If you’ve had success propogating best practices, take a minute and share your thoughts. ]]> - Enterprise IT Management Defined, 29 Jan 2018 16:10:09 +0000 more than ever, business leaders are being asked not only to manage their technology investments, but to develop integrated and comprehensive solutions that address privacy, security and regulatory compliance. Similarly, IT managers are being asked to manage technology in a way that brings value to the enterprise by reducing risk, increasing customer confidence and increasing the efficiency of business processes.
In response to this need, several Enterprise IT Management and IT Governance frameworks have been defined to provide business leaders with the tools, techniques and resources necessary to proactively respond to regulatory issues, enterprise risk and increasingly complex technology. Enterprise IT Management focuses on managing and security an organization’s IT capability in a way that maximizes business value. IT Governance focuses on the leadership, processes and organizational structures that are responsible for ensuring that the organization’s IT investments are implemented and managed in a way that helps to achive their strategic goals and objectives. A few of the more common frameworks are: - Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL), a comprehensive set of best practices focused on delivering IT services to the enterprise.
- Control Objects for Information and Related Technology (CobIT) a set of best practices focused on regulatory compliance and alignment of IT
- Projects in Controlled Environments (Prince2) a best practice framework designed to help managers deliver projects on time and within budget.
This month, we will introduce a newsletter and a series of white papers that discusses the complimentary relationship between ITIL and CobIT. Stay tuned for more. ]]> - Which Risks Are Most Common?, 28 Jan 2018 16:10:56 +0000 my last post, I discussed the importance of senior executive involvement in the risk management function. In this post, I’ll take a look at some common risks. There is no universally accepted set of risk definitions; however industry experts agree that they fall into the following broad categories:
Project – the risk that an IT project will fail to meet objectives due to poorly defined requirements; inadequate project sponsorship; loss of project resources; project scope; insufficient project management processes or organizational maturity. Technical – the risk that technology will fail to meet business requirements. Examples include unproven technology; complex technology; outdated, unsupported or unstable technology; increasing maintenance and support requirements. Security – the risk that individuals may gain unauthorized access to confidential or competitive information or systems; the risk that business systems are unable to adequately protect data, personnel and corporate assets in accordance with business requirements and regulations; loss or theft of corporate information. Financial – the risk that the business will experience financial losses; a poor return on its investment; cost overruns, overspending or wasteful spending; insufficient budgets; financial instability; funding cuts or loss of business revenue. Availability – the risk that systems, infrastructure or resources critical to business success may become unstable or unavailable and cause a loss of service. According to research conducted by the IT Governance Institute, “most IT organizations view security and availability as the highest priorities. Most business executives would agree that these are important. However, increasingly the business focus is on return on IT investment and project and investment risks.” The impact of any given risk can affect the business in ways that may not be evident when viewed purely from the CIO’s perspective. It is for these reasons that risk management needs to be a regular topic of meaningful discussion on the senior executive/board agenda. ]]> - Is IT Risk Getting The Visibility It Needs?, 27 Jan 2018 05:27:23 +0000 and proactively managing IT risks is a key component of IT Governance. Effective risk management provides senior executives with the visibility needed to make critical business decisions regarding IT investments and the information necessary to determine how IT impacts the business. Risk management does not involve only identifying the negative impacts that IT might have on the business. Assessing IT risks produces the added benefit of identifying positive ways to align IT resources across the enterprise to increase productivity, reduce costs and improve business processes.
Understanding the impact of IT investments and risks can be challenging for some senior executives and business leaders. However, as technology becomes increasingly more complex and organizations adapt to changing regulations regarding information security, customer privacy and breach notifications, the responsibility for responding to these challenges and developing risk mitigation strategies cannot rest solely in the CIO?s office. Management of IT risk is not solely a CIO responsibility. For IT governance to be effective, senior management should review and approve the risk action plan, agree to priorities and commit the necessary resources to execute the plan effectively. Ultimately it is the business?the user of IT services?that must own business-related risks, including those related to use of IT. The business should set the mandate for risk management, provide the resources and funding to support a risk management plan designed to protect business interests, and monitor whether risks are being managed. – IT Governance Institute According to a 2002 global study conducted by ITGI, in 80% of the organizations surveyed, IT management, rather than the business, was responsible for defining IT risk impact (business units were responsible in only 37 percent of the responding organizations, reflecting a lack of proper involvement in the risk assessment process by the business process owners). When performed as part of an ongoing and effective IT Governance process, IT risk management should: - be a regular topic of meaningful discussion on the senior executive/board agenda
- include senior executive review of major IT investments to ensure that they are aligned with the organization?s business objectives
- involve leadership from business units, general counsel, auditors, and security as well as IT
- include periodic assessments to determine vulnerabilities, threats, potential impacts and probability of occurrence
- provide visibility into the progress of major IT project
In my next post, I’ll take a look at a few common risks and discuss what business leaders have to say about them. ]]> - Why IT Governance Is Good For Government, 26 Jan 2018 05:23:49 +0000 any given day, the federal government and its contractors are developing vast amounts of software and systems that will be deployed around the world. There are a host of regulatory guidelines that govern the manner in which these systems are to be acquired, designed, developed and deployed. The regulations fall into a category called Information Technology (IT) Governance and include such familiar names as the Clinger-Cohen Act (CCA), Title 10 of the United States Code Section 2223, DoD 5000 and the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA).Many of these regulations were designed to eliminate the problems that have historically plagued IT projects such as poorly defined requirements, missed deadlines, poor quality of deliverables, failure to deliver promised benefits and cost overruns. They include policies designed to provide stakeholders with the visibility and control necessary to make informed technology decisions.
According to the IT Governance Institute, information technology has become so intrinsic and persuasive within enterprises, governance needs to pay special attention to IT, reviewing how strongly the enterprise relies on IT and how critical IT is for the execution of business strategy. IT Governance, like other governance subjects, is the responsibility of the board and executives. For Federal Agencies, this responsibility lies with the Chief Information Officer (CIO) who must ensure that the mandates within these regulations are implemented. It is not an isolated discipline or activity, but rather is integral to enterprise governance. Improving business processes, reducing enterprise costs, and modernizing, upgrading or enhancing legacy technologies are amongst the top 10 business and technology priorities for CIOs in 2008. – Gartner Executive Programs Worldwide Survey of 1500 CIOs To address these priorities and comply with federal mandates, CIOs need to institutionalize the processes necessary to ensure that IT aligns with the Agency’s strategies and objectives. There are valuable benefits to be gained from doing so: - Transparency – proactively managing risk ensures that the CIO is aware of the risks associated with major IT initiatives and provides him/her with the information needed to implement risk mitigation strategies
- Optimized Costs – improving business processes, using a modular approach to system development and leveraging technology investments enables the CIO to more effectively manage the costs associated with software and system development
- Eliminate Duplication – developing and managing a portfolio of programs enables the CIO to identify and eliminate redundant development efforts and streamline programs
- Reduced Maintenance – by following standardized approaches to hardware and software acquisition, sparing, maintenance and provisioning of power, space and cooling, CIOs can reduce the number and range of skills required to maintain systems and the data centers that house them
- Predictability – defining objectives and measuring performance against expectations enable the CIO to see how well IT is performing and over time begin to predict outcomes
- Informed Decision Making – measuring the return on investment, standardizing technology platforms, and eliminating duplication are a few of the factors that enable the CIO to make informed decisions regarding IT investments
- Prevent Waste and Abuse – aligning IT expenditures with Agency objectives, enable the CIO to ensure that taxpayer dollars are managed in accordance with the law
- Accountability – establishing roles and responsibilities enables the CIO to enforce the responsibilities that relate to IT’s alignment with Agency objectives
- Enhanced Communication – the risk management aspects of IT Governance rely upon open communication in order to be effective
“Fundamentally, IT Governance is concerned about two things: IT’s delivery of value to the business and mitigation of risks. The first is driven by strategic alignment of IT with the business. The second is driven by embedding accountability into the enterprise. Both need to be supported by adequate resources and measured to ensure that the results are obtained.” – ITGI Board Briefing on IT Governance Typically CIOs create a three-tier IT governance infrastructure that includes strategy, steering committees and standards to embed accountability into an Agency. However, some Program Offices have gone one step further by establishing the role of an IT Governance Lead for each of its major programs. This individual’s sole responsibility is to develop the plan for, manage, measure, and report compliance for major programs. Creation of this role enables the CIO to further establish and enforce accountability at the program level. An IT Governance Lead: - Ensures that individual programs start early by aggregating a definitive list of the most up to date policies with which it will have to comply – since in most instances, programs may be required to comply with multiple regulations.
- Gets actively involved in all program level acquisitions, systems engineering, software development, network engineering, hardware configuration, system verification, and at each milestone during the development.
- Develops the set of tasks, milestones and deliverables that will have to be accomplished in order to satisfy the requirements.
- Communicates the plan to the project team. It’s important that the project team understands what regulations will be applied to the effort, how the project will be impacted, how project performance will be measured and the impact of non-compliance.
- Measures, reports and acts upon compliance issues throughout the life of the program
- Reports progress, status and risk mitigation
- Serves as an advisor to management on technology and compliance matters
IT Governance tasks, milestones and deliverables need to be incorporated into software and system development plans long before programming begins. IT Governance tasks are best applied in a cross-functional manner, much like one would apply quality assurance or risk management tasks. Effective implementation of IT Governance strategies, standards and processes requires planning, coordination and open communication between the regulating bodies, management and the program teams. An IT Governance Lead serves as the liaison between these groups and helps to increase the effectiveness of the overall compliance process. ]]>