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Expert on Women’s Health Selected as the Recipient of the 2013 NAMS Media Award
Mache Seibel, MD -- Menopause Expert, Speaker, Editor HotYearsMag.com Mache Seibel, MD -- Menopause Expert, Speaker, Editor HotYearsMag.com
Newton, MA
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

San Antonio, TX Dr. Mache Seibel, a well-known expert on women's health and founder of My Menopause Magazine, has been selected as the recipient of the 2013 NAMS Media Award on behalf of the North American Menopause Society. He will be awarded during a private awards ceremony on Thursday, October 10, 2013 in San Antonio, Texas.

Dr. Seibel is an expert on menopause and women's health issues. He is best known for his woman's health-focused magazine, My Menopause Magazine (available for the iPad through the Apple Newsstand). Using his vast experience of helping over 10,000 women over the past 30 years, Dr. Seibel created the digital magazine to provide easy to understand information regarding hot flashes, weight control, emotional health topics and treatment options, and a breadth of other subjects in the women's health field. It has featured world-class experts and leaders, like NY Times Bestselling Author, JJ Virgin, PBS Host, Suzanne Andrews and award-winning director Avis Richards.

The award offered by The North American Menopause Society (NAMS) recognizes an outstanding media professional whose body of work, through any consumer media outlet (i.e., print, television, radio, Internet), has served to expand the knowledge and understanding of menopause. Prior recipients include Tanya Rivero of ABC News, Carolyn R. Schatz of Harvard Health Watch, Sean Swint of WebMD and Tara Parker-Pope, author and New York Times columnist.

In addition to patient care, Dr. Seibel is a national and international speaker, and regularly conducts corporate speaking and workshops. Dr. Seibel is also the founder of HealthRock™, a health education brand that uses music and entertainment to teach health literacy.

You can find out more about Dr. Seibel on his highly informative website: http://www.doctorseibel.com, winner of a Gold Web Health award for Menopause and General Health in 2012.

 The app for My Menpause Magazine is free as is the first issue and a subscription is available for $1.99 per month. Those interested can download the free issue at bit.ly/MyMenoMag/. Issues contain videos, music, quotes and recipes in addition to content rich articles on health, wellness, fitness, mindfulness and sexuality. There are also question and answer and patient experience sections.

For more information or to schedule an interview, contact Dr. Mache Seibel at info@mymenopausemagazine.com or 617-916-1880.
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Name: Mache Seibel, MD
Title: Founding Publisher
Group: The Hot Years Magazine
Dateline: Newton, MA United States
Direct Phone: 617-916-1880
Cell Phone: 617-851-5034
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