For more information please text or call Dan Stockdale at (865) 300-3232 or A tiger has attacked a worker at the Exotic Feline Rescue Center in Center Point, Indiana. The worker reportedly failed to close a gate while cleaning an enclosure enabling the tiger to attack unhindered.
"Fortunately, the injuries in this case were not fatal. Regardless of the industry however, it is imperative managers frequently and thoroughly train those who look to them for leadership. Especially when it comes to safety procedures which have the ability to impact the health and safety of workers or the public, education is essential," said Dan Stockdale, tiger trainer, management consultant and leadership keynote speaker.
"It is important to analyze this case within the context of root cause analysis and not harm the tiger for his actions. The tiger was simply being a tiger. Further, those of us who choose to work with these magnificent creatures implicitly assume the inherent risk associated with our work," Stockdale said.