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Famed Businessman & Author, T.W. Lewis, Compares 2020 Election & Final Four Championship Games

Famed Businessman & Author, T.W. Lewis, Compares 2020 Election & Final Four Championship Games

T.W. Lewis, successful real estate entrepreneur and author of Solid Ground: A Foundation for Winning in Work and Life, penned an article for Issues & Insights which draws a comparison between the 2020 election and the Final Four basketball championship games. Issues & Insights, run by seasoned journalists, works towards helping their readers fully comprehend the key issues of the day.

Here is the full text of T.W. Lewis' article, Was the 2020 election fair? Let's compare it to college hoops! published April 2, 2021.

With all the chaos in America after the 2020 election results, many people have asked whether the election process was "fair", as Democrats insist that it was. Since it is now time for the Final Four, I thought it would make sense to look at a hypothetical National Championship game and see how the Democrats would create a new set of rules to ensure a similarly "fair" outcome.

Let's assume we have two college basketball teams in the final game – Duke and Kentucky and let's pretend that the Duke Blue Devils are Democrat, and the Kentucky Wildcats are Republican. Because basketball games cannot be influenced by Big Media and Big Tech, and they have clear rules applied equally to each team, the Democrats came up with three new rules. These are the new rules:

1. Because the Democrats (Duke) do not have Big Media on their side to make every play easier for their team and every play harder for the Republican (Kentucky) team, each Kentucky player is required to wear a 10-pound ankle weight on each ankle. This seems "fair" to the Democrats.

2. Because the Democrats (Duke) do not have Big Tech on their side to control biased information, they must control the referees: fouls will only be called on Kentucky, never on Duke. This also seems "fair" to the Democrats.

3. And finally, because the Democrats (Duke) cannot manipulate voter registration, do harvest balloting and provide funding for "voter education" to win the game ($350MM from Zuckerberg alone – mainly spent in swing states on "voter education"), it seems "fair" to make the Kentucky hoop 18" in diameter with the Duke hoop being 36" in diameter. Making it easier to score if you are a Democrat also seems "fair".

So, in this hypothetical National Championship, with America watching, the game was very close, even with these rules! But Duke ended up winning, in over-time, 51-49. And they were crowned the National Champion!

Now we are left with these questions:

Did Duke steal the game or win it fairly?

Did the Democrats steal the election or win it fairly?

Who do you think would have won this game without these three rules?

You decide.

About T.W. Lewis:

Tom Lewis is a graduate of Kentucky University with an MBA from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill and the founder of T.W. Lewis Company, a Scottsdale, Arizona-based real estate investment company known for its outstanding quality and customer service in the homebuilding industry. The company has received numerous national awards, including America's Best Builder and the National Housing Quality Gold Award. Tom received a Lifetime Achievement recognition from Professional Builder magazine and was named the first inductee into the National Housing Quality Hall of Fame.

In 2002, Tom and his wife, Jan, formed T.W. Lewis Foundation to support higher education, children and families in need, youth character education, and a variety of local and national nonprofits that build community and strengthen America's civil society.

You can find more information on Tom Lewis and Solid Ground at SolidGroundBook.com and TWLewis.com.

Media Contact: For a review copy of Solid Ground or to arrange an interview with T.W. Lewis, contact Scott Lorenz of Westwind Book Marketing at scottlorenz@westwindcos.com or by phone at 734-667-2090. Follow Lorenz on twitter @abookpublicist.

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Name: Scott Lorenz
Group: Westwind Communications Book Marketing
Dateline: Plymouth, MI United States
Direct Phone: 734-667-2090
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