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February 2021: When We Step Into Our Aquarian Destiny
Anne Nordhaus-Bike -- Astrologer Anne Nordhaus-Bike -- Astrologer
Chicago, IL
Wednesday, February 10, 2021

We've been building up to the new Age Of Aquarius for two generations. In 2021, life changes forever: we arrive in our destiny.

Board the rocket ship to your Age Of Aquarius destiny: the time is now! February 2021 is changing our lives forever from seeds planted in February 1962.

"In 1962, forward thinking people began preparing for the new Age Of Aquarius," said Astrologer Anne, Chicago-based astrologer Anne Nordhaus-Bike. "That's part of what made the 1960s 'the Sixties' and why those times still echo down to us today."

In the second week of February, 2021, "we'll have similar, intensely Aquarian astrology urging us forward into the bright visions foreseen 60 years ago," she explained. "Mark your calendar: our date with destiny arrives with this week's new Moon in Aquarius on February 11."

Back To The Future

An astrological pileup of planets in Aquarius in February 1962 kicked off almost 60 years of work to make our current moment in history possible.

"This week, we'll be experiencing another planetary pileup that's going to change life as we know it forever," said Nordhaus-Bike.

New Post Has Full Details, Tells How You're Affected

This is the next step in the waves of new energy pouring in since the Solstice on December 21.

Astrologer Anne has written a blog post, Our Aquarian Destiny, with full details. It tells how you're affected and how to step into your destiny, joyfully, starting this week.

See the article here: https://astrologeranne.com/69624/age-of-aquarius-new-moon-stellium-in-aquarius/

As Nordhaus-Bike said, "Board your rocket ship to YOUR Age Of Aquarius destiny: the time is now!"

About Astrologer Anne

Astrologer Anne is Anne Nordhaus-Bike, a longtime professional astrologer and award-winning astrology journalist.

She's also in demand as a speaker and is a frequent and popular guest on radio, where she takes calls from listeners and shares what's in the stars for every astrology sign. Her free horoscopes cover every zodiac sign for devoted readers on her website. The National Women's Hall of Fame honored her accomplishments, adding her to its Wall Of Fame. She is a member of the American Federation of Astrologers.

For more information, go to https://astrologeranne.com/

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Name: Anne Nordhaus-Bike
Title: President
Group: AstrologerAnne.com
Dateline: Chicago, IL United States
Direct Phone: 773-229-0024
Cell Phone: (312) 622-6029
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