Home > NewsRelease > Federal Bureau of Prisons Oust Regional Directors in South Central and Southeast Regions
Federal Bureau of Prisons Oust Regional Directors in South Central and Southeast Regions
Larry Levine -- Midnight Report Larry Levine -- Midnight Report
Washington, DC
Thursday, June 24, 2021


By Lynn Espejo

South East Bureau Chief

The Midnight Report

Earlier this week, I reported on what appears to be a plan hatched by staff at the South Central Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP), to circumvent the Cares Act.  As reported, that region has seen a rise in inmates that were released under the Cares Act being violated for minor infractions and returned to prison.

It is not lost on this reporter that the bureau's fiscal year-end is quickly approaching.  President Biden's detailed budget proposal released on May 27, 2021, requested $7.8 billion for the Federal Bureau of Prisons.  This budget appears to be a 3.5% decrease from the last fiscal year-end.  The 2022 budget request includes a reduction of $267 million to reflect decreases in the BOP's inmate population—a decrease that is a direct result, in part, due to the number of inmates released under the Cares Act.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Larry Levine
Title: Director
Group: Wall Street Prison Consultants
Dateline: Moorpark, CA United States
Direct Phone: 213-948-1069
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