Home > NewsRelease > Federal Bureau of Prisons Strikes Again—Another Cares Act Releasee Returned To Prison—Many Others Fear They Too Will Be Returned
Federal Bureau of Prisons Strikes Again—Another Cares Act Releasee Returned To Prison—Many Others Fear They Too Will Be Returned
Larry Levine -- Midnight Report Larry Levine -- Midnight Report
New York, NY
Thursday, July 8, 2021


Federal Bureau of Prisons Strikes Again—Another Cares Act Releasee Returned To Prison—Many Others Fear They Too Will Be Returned As Well


By Lynn Espejo

Chief Investigative Correspondent

The Midnight Report

Over the last several weeks I've reported on returning citizens, who were released under the Cares Act, only to be later returned to prison.


I was released under the Cares Act on May 27, 2020.  I was returned to prison at the direction of the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) on January 12, 2021.

The BOP violated me for emailing with women I left behind using its monitored email system.  Fortunately, fifteen days later, I was granted compassionate release by the court.

Yesterday, Gwen Levi, the 76-year-old grandmother, who last month was returned to prison for failing to answer her phone while attending a computer class, was released after the judge in her case granted her compassionate release motion.

Other returning citizens are not so lucky.  They remain at federal holding facilities or have already been returned to prison for minor infractions.  Many others live with the constant fear of being returned.

Take the case of Keri Burroughs, who was released under the Cares Act in June 2020.  Keri, who is a diabetic, spent several months housed at the City of Faith (COF) Half-Way house in Little Rock, Arkansas, before being sent to home confinement.

During her stay at the COF, Keri became ill.  However, she was not afforded medical treatment in a timely manner.  It is unclear if this lack of medical treatment is the neglect of the COF or the BOP.

One thing that is crystal clear—the delayed medical treatment resulted in Keri having to have one of her toes amputated.

On June 25, 2021, Keri was returned to prison after being charged with escape.  Keri was violated for being in a storage trailer on the property where she lived.

The storage trailer in question sits approximately 50 feet away from Keri's home confinement address.

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Name: Larry Levine
Title: Director
Group: Wall Street Prison Consultants
Dateline: Moorpark, CA United States
Direct Phone: 213-948-1069
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