Home > NewsRelease > Federal Probe of Cardiology Malpractice in Florida
Federal Probe of Cardiology Malpractice in Florida
Dr. Ira Williams, A Better Health Care Delivery System expert Dr. Ira Williams, A Better Health Care Delivery System expert
Greenville, SC
Friday, August 10, 2012

As Yogi Berra would say, "De-ja vu all over again." A gross amount of inappropriate cardiology patient care had occurred over a period of several years (with staff member knowledge) in Redding, CA before a patient requested the FBI step in and investigate. A cardiologist and cardio-vascular surgeon were found to be over-treating and unnecessarily treating numerous unsuspecting patients. That was ten years ago when the "feds" became involved in the Redding medical debacle. Now the "feds" are de-ja vuing in Florida with HCA Holdings Inc., the biggest for-profit hospital operation in America.

Sending the "feds" to "probe" a long-standing medical patient-care problem in our nation's hospitals is like watching a Keystone Kops movie from the silent picture era. To re-play Redding CA ten years later in Florida should cause people to step back and question this highly flawed method of dealing with such HC problems.

States license doctors, states establish medical schools, all medical care is local, and yet, no one is talking about the state's responsibility in this current and similar matter. Patients are treated in their state's HC delivery system and states are responsible for the creation and administration of a functional HC delivery system. Alas, there is probably not one person in any state who can describe, in detail, their state's current HC delivery system.

While every politician who wants to see their name in print or stand in front of a camera talks about how to pay for HC after-the-fact, unsuspecting people (patients) are receiving unnecessary and inappropriate treatment because state governors and legislators don't have a clue regarding their state's HC delivery system AND their responsibility to their citizens to create and administer same in a functional manner. (I know that sentence is too long – but it needs to be said.)

Our current HC problems stem from two separate willful abdications of professional and governmental responsibility:

1. Organized Medicine willfully abdicated their responsibility for doctors to judge the questionable patient care of other doctors to the legal profession and ever since have been lamenting what the mean-old attorneys have been doing to some of their fellow members.

2. State governors and legislators willfully abdicated their responsibility to create and administer a functional HC delivery system to the federal government by passively ignoring those responsibilities even though every state created a state medical examining board "to regulate the practice of medicine" in their state over 100 years ago.

One could fill a warehouse with every form of report regarding problems of patient care in our current HC system. I want to talk about a solution for most of those problems and that solution MUST begin within the states. I know how to provide any state governor and legislature with a logical and doable process to begin to completely reorganize their state's HC delivery system!
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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Dr. Ira Williams
Group: Dr. Ira Williams Health Care Consulting
Dateline: Greenville, SC United States
Direct Phone: 877-320-1134
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