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Finally Some Great News: Groundbreaking Company Celebrates 25 Years in Business


Finally Some Great News: Groundbreaking Company   Celebrates 25 Years in Business

Motivation Maintained

Dateline: Los Angeles

In an economy witnessing the possible slow end of Retail as we know it; slumping stock markets; Selling Spaces so competitive it's almost impossible to differentiate a new brand; and a media landscape in which visibility is almost impossible, it's nice to see one company set on longevity keeps its optimism and its focus on motivating the world.



*"It won't work" said most observers.

*"People won't pay premium rates to read the daily motivational dispatches" decried one prospective major media outlet.

*"There's just too much competition fighting for marketing dollars for it to work" advised one highly paid marketing consultant.

"But here we are 25 years later, bigger, badder, and better than ever" says Michael J. Herman "Mr. Motivation®, Founder and Visionary behind The Motivational Minute® Syndicated Column and The Motivational Minute Publishing Company.

What started out as a way to motivate and inspire his then girlfriend, friends and clients and keep Herman front of mind for speaking opportunities at prospective clients has grown into a media mammoth. But Herman had a vision of providing daily positive, uplifting, and paradigm shifting mindset refreshers every day and getting them to the people who needed them the most, C-level executives, in-the-field sales reps, those facing traumas,  and people who needed that daily kick in the pants.

"When I started publishing THE MOTIVATIONAL MINUTE® no one was selling daily new content on a subscription-basis for a premium. The need was there and I could see it when I'd speak on stages to hungry and uninspired audiences" shares Herman, an award winning multifaceted Professional Writer since 1978.

"The hard part was creating the template for companies to see daily motivational content as an asset and as an investment and not as a line-item in the budget. Once we got one, we got hundreds."

The first one to say yes was Livio DeSimone the then CEO of 3M Corp.

"Metrics show that Herman's daily motivational message has an effect on our bottom line. We can easily justify the investment each year" said DeSimone.

Hilton Hotel Corp's Steve Bollenbach signed on company-wide and encouraged every Hilton Team Member worldwide to "Stay on top of their game and get motivated."

"I read it every morning and I never miss it." Kenneth Chenault, CEO American Express

"I think it makes a huge difference in attitude and in results." Lt. Col. John Kotter, USAF California Air National Guard

Others followed.

American Express, Citi. JP Morgan, Infinity Radio, Marriott, Four Seasons and Ritz Carlton, CBS, IVAX Pharmaceuticals, Coca Cola Corp, G D Searle & Company, Pfizer, Macy's, HP, AMR Corp, and when then US Navy, USAF, and USMC, and other federal agencies came on board, the momentum never stopped. At one point more than 210,000 individuals read the subscription column on a daily basis.

It's rare that a company can celebrate 25 Years in Business. Especially one started in the Tech Boom and weathered the busting of one Tech Company after another, but The Motivational Minute® wasn't a tech company. It was and is a content provider.

From 1997 through 2004 the content was entirely electronically subscribed to through an e-mal distribution algorithm, but when Google went public in 2004 a shift occurred than caused a rapid and severe decline in the electronic subscription model.

It was then that the company went almost entirely print publication syndication. Within two years more than 200 print magazines and newspapers around the world would carry THE MOTIVATIONAL MINUTE® Syndicated Column, making it the most ubiquitous medium of its kind, anywhere.

From this grew multiple audio programs, including a year of in-flight audio content on 5 of America's most prestigious airlines and 17 books.

Sam Horn, author of 29 books including Tongue Fu, How To Deflect, Disarm, and Defuse Any Verbal Conflict describes       The Motivational Minute® Column as "The early predecessor to the modern blog and credits Herman for inventing the ubiquitous platform.

Tom Antion, author of How to Become a Professional Speaker said, "Herman's column is so ingenious that I wish I had thought of it myself!"

"The goal" says Herman "was to find a way to get positive and transformational inspiration into the mindsets of working and busy people who needed a boost every day and only had a few minutes to spare. So inside of 200 to 1,000 words every day, you were able to get the edge you needed and access your highest levels of excellence… not once, but every day."

Now starting its second quarter century in business,                Michael J. Herman "Mr. Motivation"® has just one thing he wants everyone to know…                                 "We've only just gotten started!"

Acknowledgements are humbly offered to some without whose support, consult, and enthusiasm, the launch and success of this company would not have been likely.

*Penny Herman *Craig Harrison *George Herman *George Roman *Fire Capt. Bob Smith *Robert Gedaliah *Bill Brooks *Joseph Stokes *Tim Ward *Wayne Schaaf *C. Curtis Scott, Esq. *Cliff Carle *Steve McNally *Steven Grill *Wendy Rosenthal *Livio DeSimone *Steve Bollenbach *Lewis Harrison *Robert Frare *Kevin Benson              *Bonnie Harris *Crystal Ann Taylor *Dylan Rigsby *Dirk Webber *Steve Wachtel *Steven Bochco *David E. Kelley *Stephen J. Cannell *Microsoft Corp. *NVDA *Freedom Scientific *And all our many partners, sponsors, and advertisers.

© 2022 The Motivational Minute Publishing Co.

For more information, visit themotivationalminute.com or phone (818) 441-9288.

Please let me know if and how I can be of value.
Michael J. Herman, Speaker-Writer-Author-Entrepreneur
(818) -894-4610  |  M: (818) 441-9288
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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Michael J. Herman
Title: President, CEO
Group: The Motivational Minute Publishing Company
Dateline: Granada Hills, CA United States
Direct Phone: 818-894-4610
Main Phone: 818-894-4610
Cell Phone: 818-441-9288
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