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Financial Aptitude Test from the ICFE
Institute of Consumer Financial Education Institute of Consumer Financial Education
San Diego, CA
Monday, July 23, 2012


The Financial Aptitude Test

by Jim Garnett, a/k/a Ask Mr. G. and a member of the ICFE's Board of Educational Advisors

Do you know enough about financial things to survive during these economic hard times? Take the F.A.T. Test and see.

Financial Aptitude Test (F.A.T.)

It is best to pay only the minimum payment due on a credit card bill each month rather than pay your bill in full. True or False?

Your credit record (your history of paying debts and other bills) can be a factor when you apply for a loan or a credit card, but will not affect your ability to get a job, get an apartment, or how much your car insurance will cost. True or False?

A debit card is a good alternative to a credit card for a young person because the money to pay for purchases is automatically deducted from a bank account, thus avoiding interest charges or debt problems. True or False?

There is no good reason to have an emergency savings account if you have credit cards to pay for emergencies. True or False?

When you use a credit card, it creates a debt. It is not the same as using money although both credit and money will buy things. True or False?

The best way to avoid a "bounced" check -- that is, a check that gets rejected by your financial institution because you've overdrawn your account -- is to keep your checkbook up to date and closely monitor your balance. True or False?

If you have access to buy something, it is proof that you can afford to buy it. True or False?

You receive an e-mail with a company logo you recognize . It is safe to help them "update your records" by sending them your social security number and account information. True or False?

If you do not want anyone to know how you pay your debts, you can "opt out" of having a credit record with your credit history on it. True or False?

Calculating how many hours you must work in order to buy an item will help you decide how much you want or need it. True or False?

Answers: (1) False. Always pay the balance in full so as to avoid finance charges. (2) False. One's credit record affects a wide range of areas including all of these. (3) True. (4) False. An emergency savings account is a necessity because there is a great difference between paying for an emergency with money as opposed to credit! (5) True. (6) True. (7) False. There are many things we have access to buy that we cannot afford to buy. (8) False. Never send this type of information in response to an email of any type. (9) False. There is no "opting out" of your credit history. You will have one, good or bad. (10) True. This is a great way to estimate how much effort it takes to buy things.

Scoring Results:

10-9 Correct: Pretty Savvy

8-6 Correct: Could Use Refresher Course in Financial Matters

5 and Below Correct: Unprepared - Seek Financial Education Immediately

Jim Garnett

AskMrG Financial Library

2216 SW 35th Street

Ankeny, IA 50023





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Sent by:

Paul Richard

President - Executive Director

Institute of Consumer Financial Education (ICFE)


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Group: Institute of Consumer Financial Education
Dateline: San Diego, CA United States
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